  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Characters of Asia Travelers Sightseeing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李孟峰


隨著資訊發達與運輸交通的便利,「觀光產業」受到世界各國的普遍重視,根據聯合國世界觀光組織(World Tourism Organization)於2011年十月份公布的統計數據顯示, 2011年一月至八月的全球國際旅遊人數較2010年同期成長了4.5%,比2010年同期增加2900萬。根據我國交通部觀光局統計,2011年來臺旅客共有609萬人次,比2010年的557萬多了52萬,來臺旅遊人數成長9.3%創下歷史新高,成長率是全球平均的2倍多,高於世界觀光組織(UNWTO)預估的全球旅客4.5%的成長率。 為因應國際觀光產業之蓬勃發展,吸引國際旅客來台觀光,本研究透過交通部觀光局於2010年辦理之「99年來臺旅客消費及動向調查」資料進行分析,期望根據量化分析結果,提供政府相關單位研擬國際觀光宣傳與行銷策略、提昇國內觀光服務品質與國際旅遊觀光競爭力。 本研究發現來台觀光旅客中有97%為亞洲國家之旅客,因而針對亞洲國家來臺觀光旅客,首先探討其來臺觀光的動機與目的。接著對旅客在臺觀光期間之滿意度,以因素分析法萃取出便利性、國際化程度、環境安全、與衛生安全四個構面,分析不同國家旅客在四個構面的滿意度。最後,依據行銷策略分析的STP流程歸納出以下結論: (1)未來在擬定行銷策略時可將來臺觀光之主要亞洲國家旅客區分為「中國、港澳」與「日本、韓國」兩類。 (2)針對目標市場,風光景色為主要吸引中國、港澳、韓國旅客來臺觀光的主要因素,菜餚為主要吸引日本旅客的觀光因素。 (3)中國、港澳旅客對於台灣旅遊環境的國際化、環境安全與衛生安全有較高的肯定與滿意。日本、韓國旅客則在便利性、國際化、環境安全上有較高的肯定與滿意度。 關鍵字:變異數分析、因素分析、觀光、市場區隔、行銷研究


The tourism industry has been paid much attention worldwide due to the convenience of information and transportation. According to the report of the World Tourism Organization of United Nations, October 2011, international tourism increased 29 million, up 4.5%, from January to August compared with the same period 2010. Based on the data announced by the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, the traveler visiting Taiwan was 6.09 millions in 2011, a growth of 9.3% compared with the number in 2010. The growth rate is twice higher than 4.5%, the global growth rate estimated by the World Tourism Organization. In order to face the flourish of tourism industry, promotions and marketing strategies should be made to attract international tourists to Taiwan. This study analyzes the survey data of “Survey of consumption and tendency of tourists visiting Taiwan” collected by the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan in 2010. And hope the result of this study could help the related department of government in international tourism advertising, marketing strategies and to enhance domestic tourism service quality, international travel, and tourism competitiveness. Since there are 97% tourists from Asia among the tourists visiting Taiwan, this study focuses on analyzing the characters of Asia traveler. The motivation and purpose of Taiwan sightseeing are discussed first. Then questionnaire items related to traveler satisfaction are analyzed by factor analysis method. Finally, conclusions are summarized as follows via STP process. (1) Asia tourist can be divided into "China, Hong Kong and Macao" and "Japan, South Korea" two categories for making marketing strategy. (2) The key factor in attracting China, Hong Kong, Macao, and South Korean tourists to visit Taiwan is scenery, for Japanese tourists is delicacy. (3) Tourists from China, Hong Kong, and Macao rate higher scores in food safety, environment safety, and internationalization. Those from Japan and South Korea rate higher scores in environment safety, internationalization, and convenience. Keywords:Analysis of Variance, Factor Analysis, Tourism, Market Segmentation, Strategy of Marketing


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