  • 學位論文

遊客旅遊動機、滿意度與忠誠度之相關探討 -以關子嶺風景區為例

The Study of Relationship Between the Travel Motivation, Satisfaction and Loyalty – A Case Study of Guanzihling Scenic Area



在消費者意識的抬頭,生活水平提高,台灣國民愈來愈重視休閒生活,休閒活動更是日漸盛行。在政府大力推動一鄉一特色之下,各風景區、郊區小鎮或傳統文化特色農業、漁業、原住民區等紛紛轉型以因應這股遊憩休閒熱。 為了促進發展國內觀光發展,因此針對消費者旅遊動機及瞭解遊客滿意度所做的研究,為旅遊營運重要的依據,並促進當地居民的就業,保留在地文化。關子嶺豐富的觀光旅遊資源,可以讓遊客享受溫泉、登山、美食、欣賞廟宇文化等旅遊活動,及感受在地人情味的獨特性。在參與旅遊活動時,動機可說是扮演著重要的因素。選擇旅遊地點,包括景點的特性、參與動機與遊客背景、消費能力、時間考量及交通等這些都會進而影響遊客滿意度,也是了解遊客是否會再度重遊的指標。 本研究主要針對關子嶺的遊客的旅遊動機在旅遊滿意度與其忠誠度的相關探討,藉此瞭解遊客的消費者行為需求動機為何,其需求是否透過服務及光臨體驗等得到滿意,甚而產生忠誠度。以關子嶺風景區為例,探討旅遊動機與遊客滿意度、遊客忠誠度之關聯。參考國內外文獻自行改編旅遊動機量表、遊客滿意度量表與遊客忠誠度量表。根據所編製之量表,將旅遊動機區分為「生理動機」、「文化動機」、「人際關係動機」與「地位與聲望動機」;遊客滿意度則區分為「公共設施滿意度」、「遊憩設施滿意度」、「當地服務滿意度」與「自然景觀滿意度」;遊客忠誠度則區分為「再度重遊」、「推薦他人旅遊」與「建立口碑」。 本研究施測結果建立問卷信度及效度,「旅遊動機」因素負荷量介於0.495~0.811之間,分量表信度則介於0.606~0.705之間;「遊客滿意度」因素負荷量介於0.505~0.779之間,分量表信度則介於0.735~0.842之間;「遊客遊客忠誠度」因素負荷量介於0.689~0.903之間,分量表信度則介於0.682~0.870之間。整體而言,問卷分量表信度介於0.875~0.928,總信度則為0.946。大致上問卷具有良好的信效度,為一有效的問卷。 研究結果指出,不同旅遊動機類型在遊客滿意度上並沒有顯著差異,但是對遊客忠誠度上則有顯著差異;不同旅遊動機類型能有效預測遊客滿意度和遊客忠誠度;遊客滿意度能夠有效預測遊客忠誠度。


Because of the rising in consumer awareness, and raise the standard of living of the Taiwan people to live more and more attention to leisure, leisure activities are becoming more prevalent. In the Government is actively promoting under the characteristics of a rural one, the scenic area, the outskirts of town, and the cultural characteristics of traditional agriculture, fisheries, indigenous areas have to cope with the transition of this recreational hot leisure. Participation in tourism activities, the motives can be said to play an important factor. Choice of tourist destinations, including the characteristics of attractions to take part in the context of motivation and tourists, the spending power, time and traffic considerations, such as these will further affect tourist satisfaction, but also to understand whether tourists will visit the target again. In order to promote the development of domestic tourism development, tourism consumer motivation and understanding of tourist satisfaction research done for the operation of an important basis for tourism and to promote the employment of local residents, remain in the culture. Take the Guanzihling Scenic Area as an example to explore the relationship between the travel motivation, satisfaction and loyalty. The results of this study was to establish a questionnaire testing the reliability and validity, "Tourism motivation" factor loading ranged from 0.495 ~ 0.811, subscale reliability was between the range of 0.606 ~ 0.705. "Tourist satisfaction" factor loading ranged from 0.505 ~ 0.779, subscale reliability was between the range of 0.735 ~ 0.842. "Loyalty tourists " factor loading ranged from 0.689 ~ 0.903, subscale reliability was between the range of 0.682 ~ 0.870. Overall, the reliability of the questionnaire sub-scales ranged from 0.875 ~ 0.928, 0.946, compared with total reliability. Questionnaires generally have good reliability and validity for an effective questionnaire. The study concluded that the different types of tourism motivation satisfaction in the tourist, there is no significant difference, but on the loyalty of the tourists there are significant differences. Different types of tourism can effectively predict the motives of tourists and tourist satisfaction loyalty; tourist satisfaction can effectively predict visitor loyalty.




