  • 學位論文


A study on Burnout issues for teachers from Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 黃怡婷


教師是工作倦怠症好發的高危險職業群之一,一旦教師工作態度消極,對教書產生厭倦,便可能對學生沒耐心而無故體罰學生,使師生關係更為緊張,故教師工作倦怠的因應與處理格外重要。 本研究以「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」 ( Taiwan Education Panel Survey) 之國中教師為研究樣本,有效樣本數為532筆,主要目的為找出影響國中教師工作倦怠之個人背景、生活狀況、學校類型及工作生活品質的相關因素,並建構教師工作倦怠與影響因子的最佳模型,用以預測最容易有教師工作倦怠的族群。 教師的工作倦怠分為從未、偶爾及時常三種程度,本研究先對所有解釋變數與工作倦怠進行關聯性分析,其中離散型解釋變數利用卡方獨立性檢定,連續型解釋變數則用Kruskal-Wallis 檢定,找出會影響反應變數的解釋變數。最後將所有顯著影響的解釋變數納入比例勝算模型,來找出最顯著影響的因子。 研究結果顯示,在個人背景方面,任教原因為喜歡這所學校或學生特性的老師較不易有工作倦怠感。生活狀況方面,身體健康狀況良好的老師較不易產生工作倦怠。工作生活品質方面,若學校會提供有助教學硬體設備、教師的排配課主導權越高、教師在教學與評量問題、學生問題及學校文化上的困擾越低,越容易降低工作倦怠感的發生。 本研究建議教師應養成規律運動及定期健康檢查的習慣,學校應給予教師較高主導權以及較有彈性的排配課,且學校應適時的添購與修繕教學硬體設備,並在教師工作上面臨困擾時,學校能給予支援與輔導,來減少教師的工作倦怠感,藉此提供教師個人與學校行政單位作為參考。


Teachers are one of professions that have the highest burnout issues. When teachers begin to have passive attitude in teaching, they might be tired of teaching. As a result, they might lose their patience and punish students inappropriately. These might lead to a more tense relationship between students and teachers. Therefore, it is important to find potential factors that might influence the burn-out problems for teachers. This research was based on the data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey. There were 532 eligible teachers from junior high schools nationwide. The purposes of the study were to investigate factors that influence teachers’ burnout in terms of individual’s background, living condition, type of school and work-related quality of life, and to find the most influential factors that are associated with teachers’ burnout which can be used to identify the group that is most likely to have burnout problems. We used a three-level categorical variable to measure the level of burnout. They were classified into never, seldom and often. The chi-squared test and Kruskal-Wallis test were used to assess the bivariate association between potential factors and the response variable. The proportional odds model was used to identify the important factors associated with burnout. We find that teachers who like the characteristics of schools have better health and have less trouble in teaching evaluations, students’ problems and integrating with colleagues and whose schools are very cooperative to offer equipment for teaching and give more leading power to arrange courses would be less likely to have burnout problems. In conclusion, to reduce the possibility of burnout, we suggest teachers should have exercise regularly and perform regular health examination. School should purchase and maintain the facilities and also give teachers appropriate consultation when they face difficulties.


16.張笠雲,2003。臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫:第一波 (2001) 老師資料【公共使用版電子檔】。中央研究院調查研究專題中心
17.張笠雲,2003。臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫:第一波 (2001) 資料使用手冊【2004.02.25版】及第一波 (2001) 國中老師問卷。中央研究院調查研究專題中心【管理、釋出單位】。
