  • 學位論文


Relationships between Urban Energetic Hierarchy and Landscape Spatial Pattern - A Case Study of Taipei Metropolitan Area.

指導教授 : 葉佳宗
共同指導教授 : 黃書禮


在生態能量觀下,都市系統的空間之發展具有能量流動之特性,此有別於過去傳統以人文經濟角度探討都市空間結構發展之意涵。近年來,有相關研究以生態經濟之觀點,以都市中各種能量輸流動分析都市發展與環境變遷之動態關係。如Huang et al., (2003)對於台北的都市能量系統之空間階層之研究深入分析生態能量於地理空間之差異分佈,以及能量階層所塑造都市生態空間結構與特徵。然而,人類對都市生態系統影響隨著全球都市化發展趨勢而而加劇,由於不同類型的地景具有不同的功能與作用,提供各種類型的生態維生服務,因此地景型態的變化會造成生態維生服務功能的變化。有鑑於國內外相關研究甚少探討都市能量階層與地景變遷之間的相互關係本研究本研究以台北都會區為研究範圍,融合能量階層分析與地景格局空間分析兩種方法,以空間分析及時間序列方式來分析台北都會區的能量與地景空間格局的變遷情形,並藉由GIS繪製台北都會區能值空間分佈與地景格局分析,進而探討能值指標和地景因子之關聯性。於研究成果中顯示,能量的流動和地景的變遷是存在著關係性。本研究的分析成果呈現更多有關地景、能量的空間動態資訊,能有助於了解都市化對於生態環境的影響。


From viewpoint of ecological energetics, energy flow is a specific characteristic of urban spatial development . This concept of energetics study is different from the traditional studies concentrated on human and economic dimensions of urban development. In recent years, some emerging studies analyze the dynamic relationship between urban development and environmental change based on energy flows in urban system. For example, the study of Huang et al. (2003) on Taipei’s energetic hierarchy Huang(1997)analyzed the spatial distributions of energy use in Taipei basin and investigated the characteristics of spatial organization of energetic hierarchy. Global urbanization is sharpening the impacts of human development on ecological system. Spatial and temporal patterns of landscape responded to urbanization causes the changes of ecosystem services landscape pattern in urban ecosystem, due to the different types of landscape provide a different functions and services. However, fewer studies have focused on the relationships between spatial distribution of urban energetic hierarchy and urban landscape patterns. Therefore, this study choose Taipei Metropolitan as the study area and integrate the researches of energetic hierarchy and landscape spatial pattern. The relationships between energetic hierarchy and landscape spatial pattern are calculated by using the emergy index and landscape metrics. Our analytical results show more detailed information about the landscape pattern and energy flows of the spatial dynamic sand are contributive to the understanding on the impact of urbanization on urban environment.


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