  • 學位論文


Victim Precipitation and Campus Bullying in A Taipei City Junior High School

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


本研究旨在探討校園欺凌事件裡被害者促發之角色、學生個人屬性與校園欺凌類型之關係。為達研究目的,經過文獻蒐集、閱讀及整理,提出研究架構,並以自編之「國中學生學校生活狀況調查表」作為研究工具,嗣就臺北市一所國民中學學生,進行問卷調查,得有效問卷三百三十三份,以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson積差相關、二元邏輯對數迴歸分析等統計方法分析來進行處理,本研究依據研究結果,歸納出以下四項結論。 一、校園欺凌被害類型中以言語欺凌被害最為普遍,網路與財物較少。 二、男生在「常對人發怒」、「干擾同學上課」、「個人衛生習慣差」、「過動症狀」等被害促發行為均顯著高於女生。 三、父母親管教採權威方式之學生,在校比較容易遭受欺凌 四、學生在校易遭受欺凌之特徵組合 (一)女生、常炫耀財物者容易成為網路欺凌的被害人。 (二)年級越高,遭受到各種型態欺凌的機會比年級低的學生更高。 (三)會干擾同學上課或自卑、沒信用的學生,最容易遭受到欺凌。 (四)越是自卑、沒信用的學生,越易遭受「精神、名譽」或「財物」方面欺凌。 (五)過動症狀越無法克制的學生,易遭受「言語」或「身體」欺凌。 (六)本身有越多促發因素者,越容易在學校遭受到各種欺凌,且欺凌類型不一定是單獨出現,常是不同類型重疊出現在欺凌關係。 最後,根據上述研究結論,提出具體建議,以作為學校行政單位、教師、家長處理、調查校園欺凌事件原因時,多方思考之參考 關鍵詞:被害者促發、校園欺凌


This study is a survey research that utilizes Self-administered Questionnaire as the research tool. The main purpose is to explore the roles precipitated by the victims of bullying in school, as well as the correlation between a student’s personal traits and the type of bullying. Through literature review, reading and arrangement, the research structure has been constructed. Also, a questionnaire survey was undertaken, aimed at the students in a junior high school in Taipei City; 333 effective copies of the questionnaires were returned. The arrangements were undertaken, by means of the statistic methods and analyses such as Descriptive Statistics, Independent-Sample T Test, One-way ANOVA (analysis of variance), Pearson's Product-moment Correlation, and Binary Logistic Logarithm Regression Analysis. According to the findings in this study, the four categories of conclusions have been induced as follows: 1. In terms of the victim types of bullying, the victims of oral bullying are the most common ones, while the ones of cyber bullying and property bullying are fewer. 2. Boys have significantly greater victim precipitation behavior such as “being angry at others often”, “interrupting classmates in class”, “poor habits in personal hygiene”, and “attention deficiency symptoms” than girls do. 3. The students who receive authoritative parenting from their parents tend to be bullied in school more easily. 4. Combinations of the characteristics of the students who tend to be bullied in school: (1) Girls or people who often show off their property tend to be the victims of cyber bullying. (2) The students in higher grades tend to have many more chances of suffering from various types of bullying than the ones in lower grades do. (3) The students who interrupt classmates in class or who feel inferior or lack trustworthiness tend to be bullied most easily. (4) The students who feel more inferior and lack much more trustworthiness are more easily subject to the bullying regarding “mentality, reputation” or “property”. (5) The students who have lesser controls on their attention deficiency symptoms tend to suffer from “oral” or “physical” bullying. (6) The one who has many more precipitation factors tends to suffer from various kinds of bullying in school. Also, the types of bullying will not necessarily show in a single event, but often show in a repeated bullying relationship. Finally, according to the aforementioned conclusions in this study, the concrete suggestions have been provided as the reference for multi-dimensional thinking, for a school’s administrative units, teachers, and students’ parents to deal with and investigate the reasons for bullying in school. Keywords: victim precipitation, campus bullying


郭戎晉,2009,〈初探「網路霸凌」(Cyber Bullying)衍生之法律議題〉。《科技法律透析》4:15-20。


王獻芬(2012)。軍訓教官防制校園霸凌現況與需求調查研究 —以彰投雲嘉地區高中職為例〔碩士論文,國立中正大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0033-2110201613525094
