  • 學位論文


A Study on the Urban Land Readjustment hosted by Private Sector in Taiwan

指導教授 : 陳明燦


自辦市地重劃之實施,影響土地所有權人之權益甚鉅,且因實施期間長,施工期間又易造成土地所有權人之不便及私人營業利益之損失,使得土地所有權人對於重劃分配結果不滿意,而常形成私人利益之爭,難免會有陳情抗爭之衝突情形發生,以致於無法完成自辦市地重劃原先所欲達到之功能目標。 本文援引財產權理論,了解當前自辦市地重劃之法制設計,在開發之利用、都市體系建構、防止都市化過度擴充及生活品質降低的同時,是否亦能實現人民最低限度生活所需之基本人權保障。其次,透過行政法上對於行政委託之類型及定義,以釐清重劃會辦理市地重劃是否屬於行政委託,並且經由公私法區分理論,判斷自辦市地重劃之相關法律爭訟途徑,避免權利人於權利救濟上之延誤。最後,藉由自辦市地重劃程序及其立法理由之內涵,整理制度中主管機關、籌備會或重劃會以及土地所有權人間之三方法律關係,檢討我國自辦市地重劃制度中,如土地所有權人及相關權利人之程序參與權是否有被保障、地價查估之法規範與實務爭議、重劃土地分配結果之異議程序等法律爭議問題,以提供後續參考及建議。


The urban land readjustment affects the rights and interests of land owners a lot, which caused great inconvenience and loss to them during the construction period. As a result, the land owners would be dissatisfied with the distribution. Finally, there were lots of complaint and conflict occurred. Let the target function of “urban land readjustment hosted by private sector” is too hard to achieve. In the study, we will cite the theory of property rights to exam the legal system of urban land readjustment hosted by private sector. When the mechanism working, whether it ensure people base living right or not? Then, through the definition and category of “administrative trust” in the administration law, to clarify “urban land readjustment hosted by private sector” belongs to “administrative trust” or not. Furthermore, define the related ways for remedies to avoid delay of right relief. Finally, to find out the three-way law relation among official authorities, adjustment association and preparation association.Criticize the right of procedural participation, the provisions of law and the implementation of practice of land value assessment, etc. See the discussion given above, hoping this study could provide further consultation and suggestion.


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