  • 學位論文


A Study of Employee’s Communication Satisfaction and the Improvement of Organizational Identification and Organizational Commitment after the Implementation of Blog-style Intranet-based Communication Platform

指導教授 : 陳銘薰


重視員工的企業向來非常注重內部溝通,因為透明與迅速的內部溝通管道,可以將公司內部訊息清楚傳達給員工,避免因組織內資訊落差所產生的各種誤解。此外,良好的內部溝通能讓員工快速分享內部資訊,進而凝聚員工對公司的向心力與信任感,並營造企業組織內良好的溝通氣氛。 對重視員工與內部溝通之企業而言,建置部落格式內網溝通平台可以是一種強化內部溝通的有效方式。透過這樣的溝通平台,不但可以方便高階主管與員工彼此之間進行雙向溝通,更能改善公司內部的溝通氣氛,使企業的內部溝通管道更透明與快速。而部落格有簡易性、即時性、互動性與傳播性等特色,使用部落格介面進行溝通平台的設計,更能有效的讓使用者進行雙向式互動之溝通模式。 本研究以實際建置部落格式內網溝通平台的個案公司進行研究,在研究後發現,個案公司在內部網站建置部落格式內網溝通平台後,其員工使用溝通平台進行溝通的溝通滿足對員工組織認同及組織承諾改善程度皆有顯著正向影響。因此,企業透過部落格式內網溝通平台的建置,並提高員工使用溝通平台的溝通滿足程度,相對亦能提升與強化員工對企業組織認同及組織承諾之程度。


Companies with emphasis on their employees often lay focus on internal communication. The clarity and efficiency of its channels serve not only to transfer information to its various parts, but it also helps to avoid misunderstandings and information gaps. Furthermore, well constructed communication channels can speed up efficiency, information sharing, and create a cohesive, collaborative atmosphere. For companies that are looking to further improve the company communication channels, the setup of blog-style intranet-based communication platform is an effective methodology. Through the blog-style intranet-based communication platform, supervisory levels and their subordinates can relate information with relative ease; thus enabling channels to remain fairly transparent and help nurture an atmosphere of openness. There are certain advantages to the blog-style intranet-based communication platform system, including simplicity, instantaneous response and viewing, the ability to generate correspondence, and public interest. Thus, the setup of the blog-style intranet-based communication platform can assist in facilitating parallel communication between its users. For this study, a company that has already implemented the blog-style intranet-based communication platform was contacted and used as the object of research. The study concluded that the use and implementation of blog-style intranet-based communication platform within the company ranks had a positive effect on employee’s communication satisfaction levels. This further promoted measurable improvements in employee’s organization identification and organization commitment levels. As such, companies through the utilization of blog-style intranet-based communication platform can raise employee’s communication satisfaction levels subsequently creating a positive degree of improvement with their organizational identification and organizational commitment levels.


