  • 學位論文


Online Chat Behavior: The Influence of Social Anxiety and Loneliness

指導教授 : 汪志堅


網際網路的發達,縮短了人與人之間溝通的距離。科技日新月異,網路世界提供了不少網路聊天的平台,例如:電子郵件、BBS、線上聊天室、或是線上遊戲社群等等。人們可透過這些聊天平台與平時不認識的人相識,並開始網路新關係。網際網路的使用不再侷限於資訊的搜尋,越來越多人在網路上結交新朋友,維持友誼,甚至在網路上發展愛情關係。但對於現實社會中,不善長社交的人來說,網路,提供另一個社交管道;透過網路匿名性,讓缺乏與人面對面社交互動的人能更有效的維持社交網路,輕易的展開另一段網路友誼。 本研究目的在探討社交焦慮與孤獨的人,於線上聊天的行為意圖,並進一步討論線上聊天意圖與線上聊天行為的影響。從過去的研究中指出,社交焦慮分為: Fear of Negative Evaluation (FNER), Novel Social Situation Fears (NSSF), and General Social Situation Fears (GSSF);而孤獨分為:Family Loneliness (FL), Romantic Loneliness (RL), and Social Loneliness (SL)。研究中社交焦慮的Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A)與孤獨感的Social and Emotional Loneliness Scale for Adults (SELSA)量表來衡量,並採用計畫行為理論(TPB)中的行為意圖構面;研究以大學生為樣本,回收714份,排除沒有網路使用經驗或量表填答不完全,有效樣本675份,研究分析方法使用ANOVA,T檢定與相關分析進行假設檢定。 研究結果顯示,社交焦慮的FNER與GSSF會正向影響線上聊天意圖;而孤獨的FL與SL亦會正向影響線上聊天意圖,但孤獨的RL與線上聊天意圖呈負相關。線上聊天意圖也會正向影響線上聊天的行為。針對性別差異分析結果得知:男生比女生更常在網路上談論到自己,而且更容易將秘密告訴網友;社交焦慮與孤獨感之行為差異分析結果得知:GSSF在網路朋友比現實生活多;FL與SL容易在網路上建立高品質的友誼關係,SL會進一步在網路上與網友之間保有秘密;GSSF因現實生活感情發展不易,更容易在網路上建立情感關係。 此研究有助於區隔社交焦慮與孤獨的不同構面,進一步討論為何不同社交焦慮與孤獨構面對線上聊天意圖影響的差異。


Recent developments in information technology have made it easy for people to “chat” online with others in real time, and many do so regularly. “Virtual” relationships can be attractive, especially for people with social interaction problems in the “real world”. This study examines the influence on online chat intention of three dimensions of social anxiety: general social situation fear, negative evaluation fear, and novel social situation fear, as well as three dimensions of loneliness: family loneliness, romantic loneliness, and social loneliness. This study also examined the influence on online chat behavior of online chat intention. The purpose of this study examined the influence of online chat intention and behaviors upon difference type of social anxiety and loneliness. Participants of this study were 675 college students. The survey results showed that negative evaluation fear and general social situation fear were relative with online chat intention, while novel social situation fear were not a relevant factor. In addition, the family loneliness and social loneliness posted the positive relationship with online chat intention, while the relationship was negative between romantic loneliness and online chat intention.


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