  • 學位論文


Economic Determinants of Participation in Physical Activity

指導教授 : 林翠芳 博士


本文的研究目的是探討人們(1)決定是否要從事身體活動(2)是否從事規律運動(3)決定從事身體活動之時間(4)決定從事身體活動之次數等與經濟、社會變數的關係。使用的資料為2001年「國民健康訪問調查資料」的台灣地區代表性的樣本 (18,144人)。研究方法透過機率模型 ( Probit Model ) 估計是否有從事身體活動以及是否規律的運動與經濟、社會變數的關係。另外,再以最小平方法 ( Ordinary Least Squares ) 估計參與運動的次數和參與運動的時間與經濟、社會變數的關係。本研究在決定是否要從事身體活動的實證結果中發現隨著年齡增加,願意從事運動的人相對減少,教育程度愈高的人願意從事運動的比例會隨之增加。在父親籍貫方面,父親籍貫為本省客家籍、外省籍比本省閩南籍願投入身體活動,而原住民與其他籍貫則是相對於本省閩南籍不願投入身體活動。在工作狀態方面,有工作者相對於無工作者較不願投入時間在身體活動上。而從平均月所得來看,高所得者相對於低所得者較願從事運動。 再者,從事規律運動的實證結果中發現,性別的係數為正且顯著,代表男性相對於女性比較會從事規律運動。教育的年數與規律運動呈現顯著的負向關係,其代表教育程度愈高的人從事規律運動的比例則是呈現遞減的。在婚姻狀態方面,未婚者其係數為正且顯著,代表相對於已婚且同居者比較能夠規律的從事運動。在工作狀態方面,其係數為負且顯著,其意謂有工作者相對於無工作者在從事運動上並非為規律的身體活動。 本研究認為從實證估計得到教育和運動的參與率有正向關係,所以建議朝提高國人的健康知識上做延伸。除此之外,我們發現原住民與其他弱勢族群其參與運動的意願較低,所以我們可以針對這些族群,透過補貼的方式,降低從事身體活動的機會成本。


The main goal of this essay is to explore the economic determinants of participation in physical activity. We study the following questions: (1) whether or not to participate in physical activity, (2) whether or not to do exercise regularly, (3) the frequency of doing physical activity, and (4) hours of participating in physical activity. The 2001 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is used for this empirical analysis; the sample size is 18,144. Probit models are used to estimate determinants of participation in physical activity and regular exercise. In addition, I use Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) to estimate the frequency and hours of participating in physical activity. The empirical results show that higher income is associated with a higher probability of participating in physical activity. However, people with higher income participate in fewer hours of physical activity. Employed people, relative to unemployed people, are less likely to participate in physical activity and do exercise regularly. The age variable produces a negative impact on the probability of participating in physical activity. People with more education are more likely to participate in physical activity but less likely to do exercise regularly. Males, relative to females, do more exercise. Unmarried people, relative to married people, do more exercise. Furthermore, the aboriginal people or minority groups are less likely to participate in physical activity. In light of the fact that education has produced a positive effect on the participation in physical activity, I suggest that the government can promote physical activity through education or health promotion programs. Also, the government can subsidize specific ethnic groups such as aboriginal or minority people in order to encourage them to participate in more physical activity.


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