  • 學位論文


A Study of Promoting Low-Carbon Community in Taipei County

指導教授 : 張世賢教授


台北縣政府期望從省電節能、綠色交通、低碳生活及資源再利用等面向推動低碳社會政策以降低二氧化碳排放量達到「20年減量20%」的目標,使台北縣成為全國第一的低碳宜居城市。然臺北縣有380萬人口,為全國人口最多的行政區,且城鄉差距頗大,故宜從策略的觀點加以規劃推動。本研究即採用Bernard Boar(2001)策略規劃觀點,對台北縣政府推動「低碳社會」策略規劃進行研究。 本研究主要研究方法為文獻分析法及深度訪談法。本研究之文獻分析除就國內外低碳社會著作進行分析外,並參考「京都議定書」附件一主要國家因應全球暖化的政策與措施、國際及國內各主要城市有關低碳社會之具體作法;而本研究訪談對象包括地方首長、中央相關業務主管人員、地方政府執行推動低碳社會政策之機關首長、專案負責人、基層執行人員與相關政策或措施的利害關係人等,具各面向之代表性。 本研究發現:1.地方政府要推動低碳社會的工作較適合從「住商」及「交通」部門實施。2.地方政府推動節能減碳政策落實與否,端視地方政府首長的政治決心。3.養成民眾在衣、食、住、行等面向低碳社會的生活習慣,減少未來產生的「碳」才是推動低碳社會政策的目的。本研究建議:1.地方政府應加強對台電的溝通,與臺電如何相互合作、創造雙贏。2.「低碳社會」的工作法制化,成立中央及地方專責管理推動「低碳社會」的機關。3.經濟誘因是目前推動低碳社會最有成效的方式,地方政府可多以經濟誘因養成民眾低碳社會的生活習慣。


永續發展 低碳社會


Taipei County Government is anticipating to reduce the carbon dioxide emission amount and to reach the goal of “ twenty percent’s reduction in twenty years” through the “low carbon society” works in aspects of energy saving, green transportation, low-carbon living and resource recycling works, which will make the Taipei county to be the first low-carbon living city in the nation. However, Taipei county is the most populous administration region with the population of 3.8 millions, and there is a considerable gap between urban and rural areas. Therefore, we suggest planning it in a strategic point of view. The perspective of Bernard Boar (2001) in strategic planning is adopted in this research for analyzing the strategy planning of “low-carbon society” promulgated by Taipei County Hall. The main research methods in this thesis include literature research and in-depth interviews: Currently, the related literature reviews on “low carbon society” are mainly based on UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) and Kyoto Protocol. In addition to the review on related literatures both from local and abroad, we also refer to the attachment one of Kyoto Protocol which provides useful policies and measures to guide the major international countries and cities to overcome the global warming problem on the specific practices. Furthermore, we also interview Magistrate of Taipei County, central authority officers who are in charge of the related affairs, chief of agencies and project managers who are in charge of local enforcement of low carbon society policies, and all other operational officers, basic level implementation officer who are in charge of the related affairs and so forth to make sure the research is well considered in every aspects. In this research we find that: 1. It is more effective when local government promote the low carbon society works from “household commercial” and “transportation” department and it is also more productive when promoting with economy incentives. 2. The result of low carbon related policies implementation is depend on the determination of the local governor. 3. Local government should aim to foster people’s low carbon living habit in all activities. The main objective of low carbon policy promotion should lay in reducing the future carbon emissions. We suggest that: 1. The local government should strengthen the communication and interaction with Taipower to reach the win-win situation. 2. Legislation of “low carbon society” works and establishment of both central and local agencies to enforce the “low carbon society” related policies. 3. Economy incentives are the most effective way of promoting low carbon society works. Local government can foster people’s low carbon living habit through providing more economy incentives.




