  • 學位論文


A Study of Policy Instruments for Energy-Saving Policyin the Taipei Metropolitan Government : Focusing Upon Commercial Sector in Taipei.

指導教授 : 丘昌泰


人類對能源與自然資源的消費、尤其是化石燃料的大量燃燒與森林消耗,排放了大量的溫室氣體,造成全球暖化氣候異常,為因應氣候異常變遷,全球暖化效應日益嚴重及能源漸趨短缺,世界各國均將「節能減碳」及「提升能源使用效率」列為最重要的施政措施,透過各種具體行動方案謀求解決。 我國能源蘊藏貧乏有99%以上仰賴進口,為確保能源供應安全、因應全球暖化,有必要提升能源使用效率,落實節能減碳;而商業部門是構成北市溫室氣體排放之大宗,節能減碳當從商業部門著手。而政府如何引導商業部門進行節能減碳又不會抑制其發展,有效利用能源以創造更高的產業經濟價值,暨達成市府之施政目標及簽署之國際環保協定,是本研究要探討的課題。 本研究之性質屬質性研究,主要透過文獻分析、個案研究與深度訪談法三種方法,透過與利害關係人訪談,以實務經驗交流,探討北市府推動商業部門節能減碳政策工具之運用發生何種瓶頸與困境及政策工具之運用是否有效果、中央政府節能減碳政策與強制法令規範對節能減碳之影響,研擬並規劃臺北市商業部門節能減碳策工具組合等問題,並參酌國內新北市、臺南市及高雄市、國外的城市如東京、紐約、舊金山等推動節能減碳政策與臺北市節能減碳政策分析,以建置適合臺北市推動商業部門節能減碳之政策工具。 本研究提供之政策建議 一、政策工具角度 (一)建置商業用戶用能資料;(二)建議中央修正建築物使用能源耗用基準;(三)推動綠建築;(四)舊建築物節能改善;(五)強制法令工具之宣導及輔導;(六)政策工具之彈性運用;(七)建立政策工具執行管考機制。 二、實務面 (一)建立節能減碳績效驗證機制;(二)辦理建築師、室內設計師節能減碳講習;(三)節能 減 碳應從建築物起造規劃室內設計源頭做起;(四)研擬無法配合「室內均溫26℃」解決之道; (五)提供大企業提供更精進及深入的節能診斷;(六)成立跨局處節能減碳專案推動組織;(七) 結合非營利組織力量協助政令宣導。


The consumption of energy and natural resources by human beings, especially fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, has caused a large amount of greenhouse gases emitted and caused global warming as well as abnormal climate. In response to the abnormal climate change, deteriorating global warming effect and gradual energy shortage, countries around the world take “energy saving and carbon reduction” and “improving the energy efficiency” as the most important policies and execute various plans and measures to solve those emerging problems. Because of poor energy reserves in Taiwan, more than 99% of energy demand depends on imports. In order to ensure the security of energy supply and respond to global warming, it’s necessary to improve our energy efficiency and carry out energy saving and carbon reduction. Besides, commercial sector is the major source of greenhouse gases in Taipei City, so promotion of energy saving and carbon reduction for this sector should be taken as the top priorities. How Taipei City Government should guide the commercial sector to save energy without obstructing economic development, and effectively utilize energy to create higher industrial value to achieve the policy objectives and international environment protection agreements, are the subjects of this research. The nature of this study is qualitative research, primarily through literature analysis, case study and depth interview. By interviewing with stakeholders and exchanging practical experience, we can discuss and explore the bottleneck and difficulties for Taipei City Government to promote energy-saving policies for the commercial sector and the validity of the policy tools. In order to plan and develop the instrument portfolio of energy saving and carbon reduction for the commercial sector in Taipei City, we will also study the impact of energy saving measures and imperative law stipulated and executed by the central government, in order to. In addition, There will be comparisons among the energy saving and carbon reduction policy adopted by Taipei City with those in domestic municipalities such as New Taipei, Tainan and Kaohsiung, and foreign metropolises such as Tokyo, New York, and San Francisco as the reference to establish the policy tools suitable for Taipei City to promote Energy Saving for the Commercial Sector. The policy suggestions provided by this research are as the followings: 1. The Perspective of Policy Tools: (1)Establishing the energy consumption data of commercial sectors.(2)Suggesting the central government to modify the standard of energy consumption by buildings.(3)Promoting green buildings.(4)Improving the energy saving quality of existed old buildings.(5)Propagating of imperative regulating tools and providing assistance.(6)Executing the policy tools elastically.(7)Establishing the performance evaluation and inspection mechanism for the policy tools. 2. The Perspective of administrative practice: (1)Establishing the energy saving and carbon reduction performance confirmation mechanism.(2)Holding the lectures or seminars of energy saving and carbon reduction for architects and interior designers.(3)Considering energy saving and carbon reduction from the planning and designing stage of construction.(4)Developing the solution for those who can’t meet the 26℃average air-conditioned temperature regulation.(5)Providing large enterprises with more sophisticated and in-depth diagnosis of energy saving.(6)Establishing an inter-bureau organization to promote energy saving and carbon reduction.(7)Cooperating with non-profit organization to assist guidance and promotin.


翁興利,2004 ,《政策規劃與行銷》,臺北:華泰文化事業股份有限公司。
顏君聿,2008年,<邁向永續城市,建構低碳社會-探討我國城市推動減能減碳策略>,《臺灣經濟研究月刊》, 第31卷,第8期:頁(40-49)。


