  • 學位論文


The Study of Issue of Public Nuisance Dispute caused by the Low Frequency Noise from Wind Turbines

指導教授 : 李育明


風能是潔淨的再生能源,可以減少環境的污染,並藉以達成溫室氣體排放減量。臺灣為一海島地形,風能潛力資源良好,風力發電是我國目前致力發展的主要再生能源項目之一。隨著風力發電機組大量興建,及民眾環保意識的提高與訴求日甚,本研究遂以「風力發電低頻噪音公害糾紛議題」為題,探討項目包括風力發電機低頻稽查噪音量測方法,鑑別不致影響周遭人畜之最適當設置距離及風力發電機低頻噪音糾紛處理,期能以事先防範,並在公害發生時引導快速處理機制保障人民權益。 風力發電機組低頻噪音量測結果,如其背景音量測量結果較管制值小者,則以噪音管制標準進行管制。如其背景音量超過管制值者,則背景加上一定影響增量管制,建議5 dB(A)作為增量管制值。各種大型風力發電機低頻噪音不致影響周遭人畜最適距離,建議依照環保署同意之噪音電腦模式進行預測與分析,惟最近建築物直線距離不得低於250公尺以下。 政府依風機低頻特性並參考國外風機低頻管制標準或建議值,訂定明確量測方法及標準,可以減少風機低頻噪音糾紛。當風機低頻噪音糾紛發生,當地環保人員進行稽查量測並協助鑑定原因與損害查估。另輔導受害人依糾紛處理管道申請調處裁決。 公害事件發生時,考量現場採樣與調查檢測的正確性、合理性與時效性,故建議加強公害鑑定及鑑定審查的機制在相關環保法規定位,並賦予鑑定公信力。公害鑑定在實際運作上仍有其先天與後天之瓶頸,透過「舉證責任的轉換」法律制度層面處理,要求被告負起舉證。


Wind power is a clean renewable energy. It is able to abstain from the strength of environmental pollution and reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions. The landform of Taiwan is an island, wind power is potentially a promising natural resource, and is one of the essential renewable energy projects which Taiwan is making great efforts to plan and develop currently. Because of the great numbers of built-up wind turbine and the wake-up call on the problems of the public environmental awareness among people, this research focus on studying the low frequency noise measurements for wind generators, identifying that the optimal distance would do no harm to people and livestock, and dealing with low frequency noise nuisance disputes caused by wind generators. We look forward to take precautions against a calamity and have built up a quick processing mechanism to take appropriate actions when problem occurs to protect the rights and interests of citizens. For wind turbine low-frequency noise measurements, as its background noise measurements were smaller than the control values, noise should control below the noise control standard values. Background noise level more than the control value as it were, then the incremental impact of the background plus a control, the proposed 5 dB(A) as the increment of control values. Large-scale wind turbine low-frequency noise of the proposed agreement in accordance with EPA computer model prediction and analysis, but straight from the nearest building shall not be less than 250 meters. When public nuisances occurs, considering of the accuracy, suitability and timeliness of the on-site sampling and investigation results, we highly recommend to strengthen the review of public nuisances and the operation of the mechanisms related to environmental regulations with the position and credibility given to identification. Public nuisances identified in the realistic process still has its innate and acquired bottleneck, via the "burden of proof of change" level of the legal system that the defendant should take the responsibility of it.


3.Australia Standard(AS), 2004, DR04173“Acoustics-Measurement, prediction and assessment of noise from wind turbine generators.”
