  • 學位論文


The Study of Internet Financial Information Disclosure in Taiwan Central Government

指導教授 : 郭振雄


政府支出對國家總體經濟之發展占關鍵之地位,政府是否將所掌握之資源作最適當之配置與運用,是人民所關切的重要議題。若能透過網站揭露相關財務資訊,可達到資訊透明化、擴大公民參與之目標。 本研究以我國中央政府203個單位預算機關為研究主體,先以政府在網路揭露財務資訊的相關文獻為基礎,根據我國政府財務資訊之特性修改,建立衡量中央政府在網路揭露財務資訊的指標。然後,在97年10月份及98年3月份實際檢視中央政府各機關在網站揭露財務資訊情況,並進行分析。本研究主要結果如下: 一、財務資訊揭露類型:多數機關有遵照立法院決議及政府資訊公開法規定,將預算書、決算書、補助團體及個人經費季報表公布在機關網站上,但卻忽略了預算的修正與追加亦為需向人民公開的重要資訊。 二、財務資訊揭露的品質特性:各機關在網站上揭露的財務資訊普遍缺乏時效性、可了解性及可比較性。 三、網站設計可親性:大部分機關未能將所有攸關資訊均置於政府資訊公開專區,未設置財務資訊明細清單,所提供的財務資訊多為pdf檔不利使用者自行運算分析。 四、立法院預算中心評估意見的影響:實證分析結果顯示97年10月份各項財務資訊揭露程度均顯著低於98年3月份。因為立法院預算中心之評估意見,提供立法委員審議各機關預算案之參考,由於立法院有審議預算之權,其評估意見對行政機關具有監督效果。立法院審議預算要求各機關於網站揭露預、決算書,補助民間團體及個人經費季報表之決議,是中央政府各機關在網站揭露「財務資訊類型」衡量指標的得分優於「財務資訊品質特性」、「網站設計可親性」衡量指標的主要原因。這也隱含大多數機關只願意揭露法令規範要求的資訊項目。


This paper investigates the internet financial disclosure index in 203 unit budget organs of Taiwan central government. By analyzing governmental financial disclosure on the Web as a tool for the public to access its financial accountability, the index is build from data which is obtained from the web-site of each government. The index includes 3 parts of information, the categories of disclosure financial statement, the qualities of disclosure financial information and the convenience of internet searching. Data is collect from the webpage reveal situation during October 2008 and March 2009. The main result of this research is as follows: Most organs follow the decisions from the Legislative Yuan and the Government Information Act to disclose budget statement, final account and grants quarterly report in websites, but has neglected the revision and adding of the budget are also important information needed to open to citizens. In general, the financial information that organs reveal in website lack timeliness, understandability and comparability. The empirical result shows that significant information disclosure difference between March 2009 and October 2008. This result indicates that the Legislative Yuan can produce greater supervision result to the administrative organ because of the right to review the budget. It reviews the budget and requires every organ to reveal budget statement, final report and grants quarterly report on internet, which is the main reason that every organ of central government that reveals in websites “ the categories of disclosure financial statement ” is superior to “ the qualities of disclosure financial information ” and “ the convenience of internet searching.” This implies most organs would only like to reveal the normal information that requires of the regulation.


郭振雄、何怡澄,2009,中國各地方政府自願在網路揭露財務資訊之比較研究,中國大陸研究, 第52卷第1期(3月),頁 29-58。
會計研究月刊(編輯部),2004,政府會計資訊揭露之現狀與展望, 第223期(6月),頁120-128。
Lees, F. 1981. Public Disclosure of Corporate Earnings Forecasts. New York, NY : The Conference Board.


