  • 學位論文


Job Stress and Adjustment of Officer Security Guards

指導教授 : 周愫嫻


國內目前缺乏有關首長警衛工作壓力與調適之研究,本研究目的在瞭解職司我國中央憲政機關首長警衛安全維護工作之保六總隊第二警官隊成員,個人在工作壓力感受、壓力來源、壓力適應的狀況,並提出相關建議策略,以發揮壓力之正面功能,減低生活上的不適應。 本研究母群體共203人,扣除實施前測之受試者50人外,共發出問卷153人,最後回收120人為有效問卷,回收率為84.97%。 本研究發現我國首長警衛人員在個人因素方面最主要的的壓力來源為「警衛對象的信任程度」、「個人家庭關係」和「職等」;而在工作因素方面,「任務相關規定繁雜多變」、「政治環境變遷」、「媒體負面評價」等是首長警衛人員最重要的壓力源。而在管理壓力策略方面,研究發現,當首長警衛人員在面對壓力時,最常透過休假時好好休息、管控自己情緒、調整自己認知來解決問題等方式因應。而這些方法基本上都是設法自我改變,不外求其他支持或協助。即使會找尋其他協助,我國首長警衛人員也傾向以家人為對象,少見尋求長官、同事、醫療輔導專業之協助。 最後,研究認為以下方法或者可以減少首長警衛壓力,增加工作效率:(一)提升警衛對象對安全警衛人員的信任感;(二)增進家庭良好關係,以紓解或減少家庭對工作影響的壓力;(三)調整警官隊組織結構,提升職務等階,培養工作榮譽感;(四)落實各項標準作業流程,法規與內部規定明確化,成立警衛專責機關;(五)秉持行政中立,建立警衛人員派遣與遷調制度,避免受政治或媒體之影響;(六)設置舒壓支持系統,促使無法適應者願意尋求協助;(七)鼓勵參與休閒活動,有效紓解工作壓力。


Studies on stress adjustment and stress management among security personnel are currently lacking in Taiwan. This study focuses on work stress, the source of stress and stress adaptation of members of Sixth Peace Preservation core, Second Brigade of Special Police, and the central constitutional sector in charge of government Ministers’ personal security. The study attempts to provide recommendations for positive action to reduce identified problems. The study was conducted using questionnaires, with a total population of 203; and with a final response rate of 83.97%. The study found that first the main stress source relates to ‘’trust with protecting executives”, “personal family relationships”, and “ranking”; work related elements are “variable work-related regulations”, “changes in political environment” and “negative comments from media”. Secondly, in terms of stress management strategy, the study showed that security personnel enjoy satisfactory rest on days off, manage and control emotions and adjust cognitions to cope with stress. Those methods are basically self-adaptation or adjustment, they rarely rely on other assistance or support, even when they do security personnel tend to consult the family rather than work superiors, colleagues or medial professionals. The following can perhaps reduce stress and enhance work efficiency: 1. Increase trust in the relationship to the ‘target’ being protected. 2.Enhance better family relations to alleviate or reduce family influence on work. 3. Reorganize organizational structure of second brigade of Special police, increase rankings and cultivate a sense of honor. 4. Fully implement standard procedure, clarify regulations and establish a specialized sector. 5.Insist on administration neutrality, establish a full dispatch and transfer system for security personnel and avoid influence from media and politics. 6. Establish a suitable support system to facilitate stressed out personnel or mal-adapted officers. 7. Encourage participation in leisure activity to soothe and alleviate stress.


