  • 學位論文


Theory and Practice of Transitional Justice with Special Consideration of 228 Massacre

指導教授 : 劉幸義


藉由世界各國歷史的經驗,我們可以得知民主政治有倒退回獨裁政治的可能性,之所以會如此,有部分的因素是未徹底落實全面性的轉型正義之故。目前台灣仍然在運用國家資源以紀念過往的獨裁者,以及2008年發生陳雲林事件,顯示出獨裁政治在台灣猶有復辟之可能性,有很大部分之原因即在於台灣未徹底落實全面性的轉型正義之故。因此,有必要援引轉型正義之理論來檢視我國在轉型正義方面之實踐,並針對不足之處,提出建議,以求轉型正義在台灣之全面落實,以防免獨裁政治捲土重來。 首先,第二章引介各家學說對於轉型正義概念之解釋,加以綜合分析,最後並提出個人見解,以求轉型正義概念內涵之初步界定,兼介紹政府犯罪與獨裁政治之概念,蓋轉型正義多是在處理以往獨裁政權所為政府犯罪後所遺留下來之問題,故先對此二種概念作一簡單說明與界定,俾供後續討論政府犯罪之追訴時效之基礎;第三章介紹國際上落實轉型正義之各種方式,諸如南非真相與和解委員會、德國柏林圍牆射殺案判決、德國統一條約人事清查制度等,以供我國未來進一步落實各項轉型正義之參考;第四章重點則是運用第三章所介紹轉型正義之各種方式來檢討我國對於二二八事件轉型正義之實踐,點出實踐不足之處,並提供若干改進與修法建議;最後,第五章總結全文,並提出結論認為我國未來可以效法南非與德國的模式,進行真相之調查、加害者刑事責任之追究與人事清查,以期能寬慰二二八事件受害者及其家屬和防免獨裁政治之捲土重來。


Obviously, democracy possibly returns to autocracy from the experience of world history. The reason why it becomes so is partially because of lacking complete materialization of transitional justice. Nowadays the government still manipulates our national resources for the memorial of dictator in the past so that we believe the returning of autocracy is imaginable in Taiwan by the Chen Yun-Lin incident in 2008. Therefore, we must duplicate the theory of transitional justice to check how it practices in Taiwan and criticize for the incompleteness to carry out transitional justice and prevent the returning of autocracy. First of all, I introduce the interpretation of transitional justice, analyze it, and finally summarize personal opinion in chapter 2 in order to define “transitional justice”, and explain the concept of governmental crime and dictatorship, because of its function of dealing with the problems from governmental crime with dictatorship and the prescription of prosecuting governmental crime. In chapter 3, internationally, there are some different ways of carrying out transitional justice, for example, the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission, the decisions of German Berlin Wall shooting cases, and the vetting and removing abusive public employees system in German Unification Treaty that offer us feasible reference to enforce transitional justice in the future. The main point in chapter 4 is to examine the practice of transitional justice in the 228 massacre mentioned in chapter 3, to criticize for the incompleteness, and offer feasible and lawful suggestion. Finally, it concludes that we could learn from the patterns which South Africa and Germany used to realize the truth investigation, the prosecution of the perpetrators, and the vetting and removing abusive public employees in chapter 5. We express condolences to the victims and their relatives in the 228 massacre and hope that autocracy will never come again.


2.國際轉型正義中心(International Center for Transitional Justice, 簡稱ICTJ),What is Transitional Justice? 參見http://ictj.org/en/tj/,下載日期:2009年3月29日。
12.ECHR, case of Streletz, Kessler and Krenz v. Germany (2001).
13.ECHR, case of K. –H. W. v. Germany (2001).


