  • 學位論文


Crime Hot Area and Its Environmental Characteristics in a Town

指導教授 : 許春金


犯罪事件必須經由人與犯罪機會之聚合始能發生,換言之,若無犯罪機會,即便地區出現具備高度犯罪動機之人,則犯罪依舊難以發生。因此,犯罪機會在犯罪事件上可說是個不可或缺之因素。而相關的理論與研究指出,犯罪在時空上並非隨機分佈,而是有聚集的傾向。這些犯罪聚集地在環境上通常具有一些物理或社會上的特徵,這些環境特徵往往直接或間接地增加犯罪機會,進而影響了地區的犯罪數量。因此藉由地區環境特徵的認識,將有助於瞭解地區犯罪事件成因,並對其採取適當措施以進行犯罪預防。 犯罪與空間的相關研究上,所選取之地點以都會型地區為多,而鄉鎮型地區較少。為拓展研究領域,增進我們對於鄉鎮型地區犯罪之認識,因此本研究以台北縣鄉鎮型地區作為研究標的。本研究以2006年案件紀錄為基礎,經由層層篩選,以三峽鎮內犯罪數量較高之永館里以及犯罪數量較低之中正里為研究目標。根據與熟悉各里之地方人士共六人之訪談內容以及相關資料,對二里進行地區環境之對照比較,以探究犯罪熱區之環境特徵。 研究結果顯示,本研究所選取之犯罪熱區-永館里,具有五項環境特徵:行政商業中心與住商混合、進出人車多、出入方便、社區意識較低以及輕微混亂失序。這些環境特徵與相關文獻以及都會型犯罪熱區之環境特徵大致相同,較有差異的部分在於犯罪熱區-永館里並未呈現「明顯缺乏監控」之特徵。犯罪熱區-永館里未出現「明顯缺乏監控」卻仍發生大量犯罪,此現象可能的解釋有二:監控具有侷限性、民眾對於財物的輕忽態度與行為。 在地區的犯罪預防上,永館里與中正里未來可針對幾個部分加以補強:加強巡邏、提升監視器質量、加強警民關係與合作、加強宣導防護觀念、掃除吸毒人口、注意與治安相關的商家…等等。而雖然地區的犯罪預防措施有利於避免犯罪發生,但是犯罪預防措施所帶來的代價亦是必須考量的。地區願意投入多少資源,犧牲多少利益以進行犯罪預防,其間的權衡拿捏仍有賴於當地民眾與地方政府審慎的評估決策。而對於地區的各項犯罪預防措施,也應該進行評估研究,以瞭解其所發揮的效益,進而作為未來決策的參考。


The occurrence of crime requires both of people and crime opportunity;in other words, if there are no crime opportunities in an area, even someone who have high motives of committing a crime , the crime still won’t happen. Therefore, crime opportunity is a necessary element in a crime event. Related theories and studies indicate that crime events are not random distributed in time and space, but they have tendency of aggregation. There are usually some physical and social characteristics in all crime environment, and these characteristics often lead to increase crime opportunities, and quantities of crime events . Consequently, by being aware of these environmental characteristics, we will understand the causes of crime events, thus we also can take some measures to prevent crime. Urban areas are much more chosen than rural towns in related studies. In order to broaden study field, and increase our understanding of crime which occurs in towns, we select towns in Taipei County as our research area. The research is based on 2006’s crime records, and it chooses both the Yung Kuan borough, where the more crime events happen, and Chung Cheng borough, where the less crime events happen, as research object. By interviewing the total number of six people who live there and other related information, this study would compare these two areas’ the environment characteristics with each other, and find the environmental characteristics of crime hot area out. The result shows that the crime hot area- Yung Kuan borough have five environmental characteristics: 1. It’s an administrative / business center, and a mixed district of residence and business activity; 2. the large amount of people and vehicles to come in and go out; 3. the convenience to pass in and pass out; 4. the low level of community consciousness; 5.a little bit of disorder. There is similar consistence between what is presented in the study, related theories and the characteristics of urban crime hot area, but the only difference is that the crime factor of “lack of apparent monitor” doesn’t exist in the Yung Kuan borough, the crime hot area. There are two probable reason for the phenomenon: The limitation of monitor, and the residents’ neglected attitude and behavior. There are some crime prevention measures that Yung Kuan borough and Chung Cheng borough may take in the future:1. Increasing the frequency of patrols. 2. Improving both the quality and quantity of monitors.3.Strengthening the relationship between police and the residents. 4. Disseminating protection concepts to the public. 5. Decreasing the number of drug addicts. 6. Pay much more attention to stores which have things to do with crimes…etc. Although such interventions mentioned above are really contributive to avoid crimes, we should also consider how much does these interventions cost. How many resources and benefits would an area like to involve in preventing crime depends on the level of local people and government’s prudent evaluation. In addition, we have to evaluate all the benefits which come from these prevention measures thus we could take them as reference in the future.


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