  • 學位論文


The Jurisdiction Dispute of Administrative Appeal Arised from the Cases of National Communication Commission as An Independent Agency

指導教授 : 郭介恆博士


本文介紹美國獨立管制機關的興起及設立,及說明相關憲政制度維持的機制與方式,對照於我國發展中國家通訊傳播委員會設立以來的現況,特別針對其目前最受爭議之訴願管轄權提出建議,因為通訊傳播管制基於其高度專業性及通訊匯流之趨勢,且涉及憲法所保障之言論自由、新聞自由之干預,其管制機構有其特殊要求,倘觀諸司法院針對行政院聲請國家通訊傳播委員會組織法釋憲案中,司法院大法官於中華民國95年3月8日所舉行之審查會所提出八點題綱,其中包括︰「一、依國家通訊傳播委員會組織法所賦予之職權,國家通訊傳播委員會是否隸屬於行政機關﹖若認非隸屬於行政院之行政機關,其憲法上定位如何﹖三、通傳會是行使行政權之獨立機關,其行使擬定通訊傳播政策及個案執行等職權,除個案決定之適法性經由訴願審議程序受行政院審查外,並不受行政院指揮監督,在我國憲政體制下,是否違反憲法之責任政治原則?」,若此則國家通訊傳播委員會自設之訴願審議會所為之訴願決定,處於何種地位?其作成之決定行政院該如何視之?此間爭議所影響者,將是通訊及傳播業者發展之權利。是以國家通訊傳播委員會或因新制度而面臨與各界諸多磨合,但仍應將訴願管轄權及因其所涉及之憲政下之權利儘速確立,因影響所及為人民權利、產業發展及國家競爭力關鍵。 本文將針對國家通訊傳播委員會成立由來及設立迄今,在現行憲法權力分立下之定位與現行體制之衝突處做一介紹。進而討論其所遇最具爭議之訴願管轄權問題,參酌各國制度,試圖提供建議,以為解決之道,進而協調其與行政院關係,在責任政治與依法行政原則下,為我國通訊傳播產業尋求更寬廣監理模式,進一步保障人民權利。論文架構如下:第一章緒論、第二章訴願制度基本原理、第三章美國及我國獨立機關建置原則、第四章國家通訊傳播委員會之定位、第五章國家通訊傳播委員會之訴願管轄權探討、第六章國家通訊傳播委員會訴願制度之未來運作面、第七章結論。


An independent agency set up according to law is a brand new attempt in Taiwan’s constitutional framework. It is independent from the Executive Yuan. Taking the current constitutional, political deadlock between executive and legislative powers and the innate incompatibility between independent executive agencies and principles of separation of powers, politics of accountability and administrative unity into consideration, the establishment of independent executive agencies would be likely to bring up more constitutional difficulties and political turmoil. Based on these understanding, this thesis will discuss the Jurisdiction Dispute of Administrative Appeal Arised from the Cases of National Communication Commission as An Independent Agency. The core areas of the executive power is more confirmed by the opposition between the executive power and the legislative power in the current Constitution and the J.Y. Interpretation No. 613.But the jurisdiction dispute of administrative appeal arise d from the cases of National Communication Commission as an independent agency is still exist. Administrative Appeal Act Article 1 stipulated,Anyone who’s right or interest was unlawfully or improperly injured by a center or local government agency’s administrative action is entitled to file an administrative appeal according to this Act, provided that other Acts stipulated otherwise. Administrative Appeal Act Article 58 stipulated,The administrative appellant shall prepare an administrative appeal pleading and file the administrative appeal to the agency which the administrative action was made to transfer to the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal. Under these situations,which one-the Executive Yuan or National Communication Commission,is the agency with jurisdiction of administrative appeal?is administrative appeal the only one choice for the administrative appellant?is it possible for the administrative appellant to file administrative litigation to the administrative court directly?Based on these understanding, this thesis will discuss the jurisdiction dispute of administrative appeal arised from the cases of National Communication Commission as an independent agency. It is necessary for protecting the important public interest,by affirming the jurisdiction dispute of administrative appeal arised from the cases of National Communication Commission as an independent agency. By the way,it will be a meaningful milestone and constitutional landmark to make sure all of the above.


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9、 司法院大法官釋字第613號。
16、 國家通訊傳播委員會第286次委員會會議紀錄,http://www.ncc.gov.tw。
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