  • 學位論文


A case study of Cell Dogs Program

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


我國「監獄犬計畫」於2006年11月16日在新竹監獄實施運行,為一種新型態的矯治方案,也是一個方案學習與方案複製的歷程。惟我國「監獄犬計畫」之文獻、研究缺乏,迄今尚未有系統性的研究與論述,故本研究以「監獄犬計畫」為主體,進行個案研究,並藉由參與觀察、文件分析、深度訪談等方式,探討「監獄犬計畫」的成立過程、執行情形、影響、困難等,並從矯治方案的制度、個人與互動層面檢討、比較美國與我國監獄犬計畫的成效與挑戰。研究發現如下: 一、監獄犬計畫是新竹監獄與民間團體合作下的產物,典獄長的個人意志和社會資源的支持為成立之最大關鍵因素。參與犬訓班學員無一定的篩選標準,在參與過程中需學習訓犬技巧、犬隻的健康保健等課程。待監獄犬訓練有成後,便開放給合適的領養人領養,讓監獄犬擁有一個幸福美滿的新生活。 二、從制度方面來探討監獄犬計畫之運作情形及影響,可以發現參加監獄犬計畫的受刑人幾乎是全年無休的,且無訂定獎懲制度,處遇時間也不若其他矯治方案那樣固定,除此之外受刑人出獄後的社區監視和服務網絡也應規劃在監獄犬計畫的制度層面中,另還須解決狗叫聲擾人安寧和參與人數太少的困境。至於成立監獄犬計畫的必要條件,一為高層支持與否;其次為經費來源。 三、從個人方面來探討發現,受刑人發展出利他社會行為,從中培養愛心、耐心、自信心、情緒控制、學會自我反省、為社會服務及照顧他人;監獄犬計畫也滿足受刑人的學習動機與安全感動機。最重要的是,監獄犬計畫幫助受刑人習得一技之長,並在其中獲得成就感。 四、從互動方面來看,監獄犬計畫有效紓緩監獄氣氛,讓受刑人與家人、監所職員及其他受刑人的互動增加。 五、美國監獄犬計畫與台灣監獄犬計畫在個人層面與互動層面所得到的成效是相同的,唯獨制度層面需因地制宜,無法全面複製美國的作法。    綜合上述發現,針對我國監獄犬計畫的未來走向,提出以下建議: 一、改進現行監獄犬計畫方面:重新檢視監獄犬計畫,訂定明確制度與標準;成立監獄犬計畫專門性組織,社會資源再整合;擴大犬訓班規模,增加參與人數。 二、增加監獄犬計畫與社區互動方面:監獄犬資訊公開化、透明化;監獄犬計畫邁向「社區服務化」。 三、監獄犬計畫結合當前刑事司法政策方面:注入「修復式正義」的概念;監獄犬計畫可為「生命教育」的課程之一。


Taiwan’s “Cell Dogs Program” has been established in Hsinchu Prison since November 16, 2006 as a new rehabilitation project which drawn lessons from the U.S.A.. There is limited references and research on this project, not to mention a systematic review. Therefore, this study intended to explore the Case of Cell Dogs Program regarding the background, development, practice, effects and dilemmas. Data was collected primarily through nonparticipating-observation, documentation and face-to-face interviews. It was then coded and categorized into three dimensions: institutional design, individual behavior change, and interpersonal interaction. I compared Hsinchu case with the U.S.A. experience in terms of effects and challenges in order to provide some suggestions for future development. The key findings of this study are as following. First of all, Taiwan’s Cell Dogs Program is the cooperative product of Hsinchu Prison and Non-Profit Organizations. The warden’s personal will and initial social resources input had played key roles at the beginning of the project. During their participation, the inmates received classroom and hands-on lessons on training, caring, and developing skills for local shelter dogs to be adopted as family pets. Unfortunately, the lack of standard criteria for selecting suitable inmates to join this program was later proved to be a major drawback. The institutional design is far from comprehensive. Inmates almost trained without cease and had no substantial reward within the program. The length of time a participant works with a fluid ranges. There was no mentioning of society surveillance or service network for ex-prisoners in the Hsinchu Cell Dogs Program. Dog barks and the extremely small number of participants remains challenges for the prison staff if it is intended to expand and promote the project to include more inmates. The fundamental problem remains the discontinued superior support and lack of financial input both from inside and outside the prison. There was more promising development as to the inmate behavior changes. It was observed that the inmates developed more pro-social behavior, an improved sense of empathy and patience, self-control, and self-examination. They were also more willing to care for other people and provide services for the community. Cell Dogs Program also satisfied the inmates’ learning and sense of security motivation. Most importantly, the inmates developed job skills and a sense of accomplishment from training dogs. As to the interpersonal skill and interaction, cell dogs did change the severe atmosphere in the facility. Dogs became a media for inmates to facilitate a more positive interaction style with family, staff and other inmates. America’s Cell Dogs Program and Taiwan’s Cell Dogs Program had more similarities regarding individual behavior and interpersonal interaction changes. However, the lack of integrity of institutional design in Taiwan prevented the program from making progress. The U.S.A. program cannot be directly transplanted into the prisons in Taiwan. We need to consider many substantial obstacles and physical environment before replicating the program. According to the findings above, this study provides some suggestions on Cell Dogs Program’s future direction: First of all, we need to improve the institutional design of current Cell Dogs Program. For example, the Cell Dogs Program should be integrated into current correction system in terms of security, labor, rehabilitation, and skill development. A specific set of criteria of entering and rewarding the participants is fundamental. It should also establish a taskforce for integrating social resources in order to broaden the scale to meet the growing demands of participation. From the perspective of community program, cell dogs program should advertise more to acknowledge the public for its benefit to community safety. It should be deemed as a part of community service program in correctional institutions. Finally, in order to make sure that cell dogs program will continue to grow, it should be reviewed according to the restorative justice principles. The program itself should be revised to fit into current “Life Education” programs in Taiwan's correction institutions.




李宜昌(2011)。「尊重生命,化蛹重生」教化方案對收容人之影響 - 以臺北看守所為例〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-1501201102400800
