  • 學位論文


Constructing Enterprise Green Value Chain with Simulation-Based Evaluation

指導教授 : 李育明


目前社會逐漸重視在營利之餘,企業與利害關係人的互動;於是企業反思與供應商的關係,由以往著重商品生產至消費過程的供應鏈管理,轉變與供應商建立夥伴關係,以共同創造產品價值,並提供產品更大顧客滿意度的價值鏈管理。是以企業如何兼顧產品的社會和經濟效益,業已成為其發展的關鍵。 隨著國際對環境意識的提升,使以往企業轉變單純的供應鏈管理,進一步亦整合企業整體資源,以進行綠色價值鏈管理,換言之,企業不但要改變以往的製程、與利害關係人的互動,更要納入環境的訴求,而企業亦可藉由綠色價值鏈管理找到自身的優勢與劣勢,並從而發現相關的商機。 「綠色價值」尚未有明確的定義,其如何與利害關係人互動亦缺乏整體探討,故本研究首先藉由文獻回顧釐清綠色價值鏈的進程,並透過系統思維探討企業綠色價值鏈要素之因果關聯,進一步則運用決策實驗室分析法,分析資訊與通信技術供應商自我評估問卷,以深入探討企業社會責任的核心因子;分析結果發現問卷中勞工與道德的政策與規章、薪資與福利、健康安全及環境管理政策及程序、緊急應變與工業衛生等項目為其核心關鍵因子,藉此本研究則更進一步運用分析結果套入系統基模,結合定性與定量方法,瞭解企業須透過企業社會責任的內化,進而成為繼續成長的助力,以期許未來能達到使綠色價值鏈建制更為完善的目標。


In recent years, public expect enterprises to focus on stakeholders’ rights rather than their profits. Under this pressure, enterprises gradually take corporate society responsibility seriously. For this reason, enterprises emphasize supply chain management including the process from materials acquisition, production, and distribution to customer. Furthermore, enterprises make further progress called value chain management. It means enterprises build mutual trust with suppliers and try to create more value in order to deliver maximum customer satisfaction. With the growth of public environmental awareness, enterprises not only turn their supply chain management into green supply chain management but also green value chain management. It represent enterprises should devote themselves to improving all process, cooperate with related stakeholders and make sure they can conform to environmental-friendly considerations. By using green value chain management, enterprises could find their strengths as well as weaknesses. Moreover, they might discover business opportunities. However, there’s no clear description about green values, even the relationship between stakeholders and green values. Therefore, this study reviews the literatures on supply chain, green supply chain and value chain to build the concept of green value chain. In addition, this study applies system thinking to figure out the interactions among green values and stakeholders. Furthermore, Decision making trial and evaluation laboratory(DEMATEL)are used to propose which are the most important criteria in The Information and Communications Technology Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire(ICT-SAQ). As a result, we find out including labor and ethics policy and procedures, wages and benefits, health, safety and environment policy and procedures, emergency preparedness, industrial hygiene are the key factors of corporate social responsibility. Moreover, we use the results of DEMATEL to apply archetypes. Throgh the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches, we can find out enterprises need to internalize corporate social responsibility to get more grows and drive green value chain better.


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