  • 學位論文


The legal study of the cross shareholding among the affiliated enterprises

指導教授 : 梁宇賢


在我國實務上,關係企業多利用交叉持股為其拓展事業版圖之方法,除鞏固其經營權外,公司常常利用交叉持股成立之子公司,進行不法利益之輸送,近年來企業發生財務危機之實例,不少都與企業濫用交叉持股手段具有密切關係,素有創下多數史上第一的力霸案,即係利用交叉持股而形成企業多角化經營,其在國內設立與其有交叉持股之子公司以及多數無實際經營之紙上公司,除進行利益輸送之外,更透過複雜的交叉持股以膨脹其表決權,一方面藉由其核心事業以及其他小公司所持有控制公司之股票,以鞏固其經營權,另一方面則恣意的進行不法利益之輸送以滿足其個人私利。其嗣後發生之財務危機,不僅影響其少數股東、債權人及投資大眾之利益,進而破壞證券交易市場、及企業金融秩序。由此可見,交叉持股若遭到濫用,將造成巨大的衝擊與影響,尤其是當公司間具有垂直交叉持股時,所產生之弊端更為嚴重。 當公司間有交叉持股現象時,為了將其弊端降到最低,從公司監控出發,探討交叉持股之缺失及如何強化,我國公司法大致上係從表決權行使的限制與資訊揭露兩方面著手;就我國公司法條文上就從屬公司定義範圍之差異、公司法第一六七條第三、四項適用上之疑義及矛盾、表決權行使限制之門檻與判斷等,探討立法上之諸多缺漏,本論文即在研究我國交叉持股相關規範,並對其缺失嘗試作出建議。 本文討論範圍主要係以我國公司法上之探討範圍為主,並採取文獻分析與比較法探討之方式作為研究,除討論我國關係企業與交叉持股之基本概念外,並輔以相關案例及國外立法例,藉由比較與分析並嘗試予以立法上之建議,期望得使我國交叉持股之體系更行健全。 本文研究架構如下:第一章闡明本論文之研究動機與目的、範圍與方法及整篇論文的架構。第二章在介紹關係企業之定義、形成原因、以及我國法上關係企業章節之規範、及其認定和股份或出資額之計算。第三章在說明交叉持股之內涵包括定義與其類型、企業間間交叉持股時可能產生之利弊,並介紹交叉持股之外國立法例,期作為我國交叉持股法制上之參考。第四章則研究引發企業財務危機之原因及其相關案例,並介紹我國企業交叉持股之實例-台肥案與力霸案,及此案中與交叉持股及公司監控上之關係。第五章先從公司監控角度研究我國交叉持股體系並予以強化,後討論現行公司法交叉持股相關規定的缺失;最後,將美、日兩國與我國交叉持股規範作出比較後,對我國交叉持股之制度上作檢討。第六章則總結各章之研究,提出檢討及建議。


Affiliated enterprises often utilize cross shareholding as a measure to spread out their business activities practically. Besides consolidating operating concessions, enterprises often establish subsidiary through cross shareholding, in charge for illegal benefit transportation. In recent years, many financially distressed companies are associated with the abuse of cross shareholding. The Rebar Group Event demonstrates a good example. Rebar Group formed diversified management by cross shareholding. It set up many subsidiaries and shell corporations to carry out illegal benefit transportation, and moreover, to expand its voting rights. Thus, the controlling company obtained strong operational control by cross shareholding, and then began to meet personal interest by illegal tunneling. Afterwards the financial crisis not only affected the interests of minor shareholders, creditors, and the publics. But it also caused damage to the financial market. To prevent and modify the flaws caused by the abuse of cross shareholding, the Corporation Law deals with this issue primarily from the two dimensions: the constraint on the exercise of voting rights and the information disclosure. However, there are numerous legal deficiencies in the Corporation Law, such as the divergent definitions of subsidiary company, the conflicting and dubious application of Sections 3 and 4, Article 173, and the criteria of restraining the exercise of voting rights. This paper aims to study the related regulations of cross shareholding in our legal system, and then try to make suggestions to improve the legal deficiencies in hopes of making the legal framework of cross shareholding more complete and perfect. This paper includes six chapters. Chapter One introduces the motive, purpose, method and structure of this thesis. Chapter Two discusses what affiliates are, how affiliates form, and the regulations about affiliates. Chapter Three illustrates the concept of cross ownership, including the definition, types, pros and cons, and foreign legislations. Chapter Four studies the two notorious cases in our financial practices: the cases of Taiwan Fertilizer Company and of Rebar Group. Chapter Five starts from the viewpoint of corporate governance to study and strengthen the framework of cross ownership in Taiwan, and then points out the defects of current Corporation Law. After comparing and contrasting our legislation with American and Japanese legislations, this chapter reviews the system of cross ownership in our country. Finally, Chapter Six makes conclusions and suggestions.


