  • 學位論文


The Factors and Impacts of Assuming Care Responsibilities for the Siblings of Disabled Persons Living in a Long-Term Care Institution in Taichung

指導教授 : 林昭吟


過去國內研究大多探討一般手足對於智障者未來照顧議題,然研究者過去已實際接觸正承擔障礙者照顧之一般手足,障礙者不限於智障,因失能需專人照顧而入住機構,一般手足希望在自己能力範圍內給障礙者較好的照顧,故研究者欲探討障礙者手足承擔照顧因素與影響。 研究者以台中市某長期照護機構為研究場域,本研究採質性研究法,以「半結構式深度訪談法」蒐集資料,共訪談七位一般手足。 研究發現四個面向為一般手足承擔照顧的原因、承擔照顧的歷程、承擔後造成的影響及福利需求。承擔照顧的原因歸納為手足關係、華人文化及其他因素三大類,手足關係又可分為親密型、融洽型、忠誠型,華人文化可分為長子應然、父母期待及家人互助三個面向,再者其他因素分為居住狀況、婚姻狀況、就業狀況及其他手足無意願。本研究發現與障礙者手足關係佳、較具傳統華人文化觀念、工作時間較彈性的一般手足,較容易承擔照顧責任。照顧歷程為:入住機構前欲試著自己照顧,但缺乏正式資源介入,於是無奈接受機構照顧;決定機構照顧的過程多數未與障礙者溝通,便自行決定;機構選擇以就近方便探視及有政府補助為主要考量;入住機構後透過探訪表達關心並參與、督促機構照顧,並非退出照顧面;未來照顧與否,一般手足都表示會盡力照顧手足,直到生命的最後一刻或無能為力時。影響為:經濟面負擔最重的為未取得相關福利階段,但仍擔心未來無止盡的負擔。婚姻面面臨須與配偶溝通及挑選對象的阻礙。就業面多表示無影響,但因工作時間彈性促使承接照顧,所以呈現交互作用,屬不確定的因果關係。心理面在接手照顧初期,心理壓力急升,後來較能正向看待照顧經驗,另外,最大擔憂的是障礙者未來的照顧,這也是雙老議題的延伸。需求面以希望補助提高及滿足現行身心障礙者住宿式照顧費用補助居多。


In the past, most studies investigated the care issues about siblings with intellectual disabilities. Researchers had contacted those siblings assuming care responsibilities for disabled persons, regardless the types of disabilities. The goal of this study is to explore the factors and impacts of assuming care responsibilities for the siblings of disabled persons living in institutions. The researcher selected a long-term care institution in Taichung as the study field, and the study adopted a qualitative research method and collected data through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The interviewees of this study included seven siblings with disabled person. The findings are as follows. 1. The factors to take responsibilities included the siblings relationship, Chinese culture, and other reasons. The research found that siblings had good relationships with disabled siblings, stronger sense of traditional Chinese culture, and flexible working timetables. 2. The process of taking care included first siblings wanted to try to take care, but lacking formal resources, feeling hopeless, and finally accepting institutional care services. Second, siblings decided institutional care themselves; deciding the institutions according to distance and government subsidies. Third, siblings showed concerns for visiting and participating in institutional care. 3. The impacts on siblings were worries about the endless financial burden, having to communicate with spouses. There were no particular impacts on employment. In addition, siblings were worried a lot about how to care disabled persons in the future, and this issue was related to the double-ageing of disabled persons. Most siblings hoped the government to raise the amount of subsidies so as to cover their expenses.


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