  • 學位論文


The Effects Of CCTV System On Criminal Investigation, Prosecution, And Conviction: In Taipei City

指導教授 : 許春金 博士


論文題目:監視錄影系統於犯罪偵查、起訴與定罪之效益檢驗:以臺北市為例 論文頁數:71頁 所 組 別:犯罪學研究所(學號:710064302) 研 究 生:朱庭亞 指導教授:許春金 博士 論文提要內容: 警政機關在犯罪控制與預防也發展出了許多不同的方法來達到預防與控制犯罪之目的。然而隨著科技的快速進步,犯罪者之犯罪手法也越來越多元且快速。為了因應這些多元且快速的犯罪手法,警政機關也越來越依賴科技產品的運用。因此不論警政人力資源是否增加,仍可發現警政機關對於以科技辦案之利器挹注大量資源。而這些科技產品中,與人民日常生活最關係密切與貼切的犯罪控制與預防科技器具就是監視錄影系統。近年來各國政府對於監視錄影系統的建置不斷增加,該項科技被警政機關運用於預防犯罪與反社會行為。監視錄影系統的運用係屬於秉持科學實證精神,運用科學方法來瞭解犯罪,亦屬以證據為導向之犯罪預防策略。但諸多先進都僅就驗證監視錄影系統在犯罪預防上之效能為研究主軸,在驗證犯罪偵查上確屢遭忽略。甚至對於監視錄影系統是否能夠對司法程序上產生一定效果之研究更是稀少。因此,本研究針對臺北市境內之住宅竊盜、汽機車竊盜與搶奪案件,總共795件,針對警方使用監視錄影系統協助偵辦犯罪案件,是否能進一步協助強化案件在刑事司法體系其迅速性與確定性,進行研究。 研究結果發現:監視錄影系統對於住宅竊盜案件,具有正向效能;但對於搶奪犯罪,如果警方在第一時間無法在將其逮捕的話,於日後運用錄影監視系統協助辦案,將無法加速案件審理的效能。整體而言,錄影監視系統對於街頭犯罪仍具提高刑事追訴的效能。另一方面,錄影監視系統對於嫌疑犯不在場(或不備)的案件,能夠提供強力的證據力亦提高案件的起訴與定罪率;但對於嫌疑犯在場的搶奪犯罪,由於警方於偵辦是類的犯罪型態,有無使用錄影監視系統,均能獲得堅實的證據力,因此在起訴率與定罪率的提升上,並無差異。 關鍵字:錄影監視系統、犯罪偵查。


ABSTRACT THE EFFECTS OF CCTV SYSTEM ON CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, PROSECUTION, AND COVICTION: IN TAIPEI CITY by CHU, TING-YA JANUARY 2014 ADVISOR(S): Dr. SHEU, CHUNE-JIM DEPARTMENT: GRADUATE SCHOOL OF CRIMINOLOGY MAJOR:CRIMINOLOGY DEGREE: MASTER OF LAW In order to control and cut crimes, Taiwanese government has been installing Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in major cities for the recent years. In Taiwan, it is estimated that the government spent billion NT dollars to install and repair CCTV system, yet the positive result of crime preventing was very limited. But the usage of CCTV on criminal investigations have shown great results. Currently, many CCTV studies focus only on the crime prevention, but not on the usage of investigations or further, and many more CCTV studies only uses interview result as study bases. The purpose of this study, is to evaluate CCTV's effectiveness on crime investigation, on prosecution, and on conviction in Taipei. With the usage of a quasi-experimental research design with 795 random selected cases from Taipei City Police Department, covering residential burglary, automobile and motorcycle theft (from January 1st of 2011 to June 30 of 2012), and offenses of abrupt taking (from January 1st of 2010 to December 31 of 2012). Finally, there are few significant different found by the study, for example, in residential burglary, the result have show positive relation in transfer speed during the stage in investigation; and the confirm rate on prosecution and guilty verdict are also result in positive relation. However, on automobile and motorcycle theft and offenses of abrupt taking, receive no significant difference in result. Key word:CCTV, criminal investigation


Criminal Investigation CCTV


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