  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Bystander Intervention Towards School Bullying

指導教授 : 林育聖 博士 周愫嫻 博士


本研究欲針對校園霸凌事件中旁觀者的行為反應因素進行探討,並將影響因素分成個人因素及事件因素,希望能探討影響旁觀者願意出面制止、舉發或不願意出面制止、舉發的原因,並針對該原因提出策略及建議,以期達到校園任何一位學生都能擔任制止校園霸凌發生之監控者,達到真正落實校園霸凌預防之目的。   本研究針對臺北市國民中學共計1,060位學生進行問卷調查,所使用研究工具為自編之「校園霸凌現況研究調查」問卷。本研究共分為五個部份,分別為「個人基本資料」、「同理心」、「個人霸凌、遭受霸凌及旁觀霸凌經驗」、「對於學校處理霸凌事件的滿意度」及「校園霸凌虛擬案例測驗」,所得資料透過描述性統計、卡方檢定、迴歸分析及多因子共變數分析進行統計分析,所得研究結果如下: 一、校園霸凌現況 (一)兩成國中生曾遭受校園霸凌,其中六成六會反覆遭受霸凌 (二)兩成四國中生曾對他人霸凌,其中六成五會反覆霸凌他人 (三)近五成國中生曾有旁觀校園霸凌經驗,其中八成曾多次旁觀霸凌 (四)國中生約四成滿意學校對於校園霸凌的處理,約一成不滿意學校對於校 園霸凌事件的處理 (五)國中生旁觀校園霸凌事件的反應以受凌者的捍衛者類型最多 二、個人因素與旁觀者反應類型之關係 (一)旁觀者男生多為霸凌者的支持者,女生多為受凌者的捍衛者 (二)成績與旁觀霸凌反應類型無關 (三)同理心低者偏向霸凌者的支持者或霸凌者的跟隨者 (四)對學校處理霸凌事件滿意者,會偏向成為受凌者的捍衛者 (五)曾有受凌經驗與旁觀經驗者,最不滿意為學校處理霸凌上無法解決問題 三、事件因素與旁觀者反應類型之關係 (一)檢舉後是否被報復與旁觀反應類型無關 (二)霸凌事件若歸責受凌者,旁觀者傾向不採取正向作為 (三)與受凌者關係友好,旁觀者傾向捍衛受凌者 (四)旁觀者超過四人時,傾向出面捍衛受凌者比例下降


This research will examine the factors influencing bystander intervention concerning school bullying. With the aim to investigate varying bystander behavioral responses to bullying, we will delve specifically into two determinants, which are divided into personal and situational factors. Through looking into these factors, we not only hope to gain insights into the role of bystanders, whether or not they contribute to the problem or to the solution, we also want to develop strategic plans and recommendations to preclude potential school bullying. Furthermore, this paper places a strong emphasis on that bystanders can truly play a pivotal role in the prevention of bullying at school. To obtain data, questionnaires were given to a convenience sample of 1,060 junior high school students. The title of the questionnaire is named as ‘Assessing the current state of school bullying.’ The questionnaire is comprised of five sections: personal details, level of empathy, experience with the bully, the bullied and the bystander, level of satisfaction associated with bullying interventions at school, as well as, a quiz on school bullying. After data collection, a variety of statistical analysis such as descriptive statistics, chi-squared test, regression analysis and factorial ANCOVA were performed to show results as follow: 1. Current state of school bullying: 1.1. 20% of junior high school students have beenbullied at school and 66% of these students will encounter repetitive bullying. 1.2. 24% of junior high school students have bullied others and 65% of these students will continue to bully repetitively. 1.3. Virtually 50% of junior high school student have involved in school bullying as a bystander and 80% of these students have been bystanders multiple times in different bullying events. 1.4. 40% of junior high school students are satisfied with how their school manages bullying, only 10% of students are unsatisfied. 1.5. Majority of these junior high school students as bystanders will act as defenders for the victimized students. 2. Relationship between personal factors and bystander intervention: 2.1. Male bystanders are often supporters of the bully, whereas female bystanders are commonly defenders for the bullied. 2.2. Academic achievement is not directly related to bystander behavioral response. 2.3. Students who have scored low on the EQ (empathy quotient) testwill have a higher tendency to become followers or supporters of the bully. 2.4. Students who are satisfied with how school manages bullying, tends to become defenders of the bullied. 2.5. Students who have experienced bullying or were a bystander are the least satisfied with how school handles bullying. 3. Relationship between situational factors and bystander intervention: 3.1. Retaliation after reporting bullying does not affect bystander intervention. 3.2. In the event of the bullying, if the responsibility is directed at the victimized student, bystanders will be less likely to intervene positively. 3.3. There is a higher tendency that bystanders will become defenders for the bullied, if they have a good relationship. 3.4. In the case of an emergency, bystanders will be less likely to become defenders of the victim if there are more than four people around at the incident.


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