  • 學位論文

亂倫被害人被害經驗及因應歷程 —以社會工作者經驗探討

The Traumatic Experience and Coping Process of Incest Victims - From the Perspective of Social Workers

指導教授 : 黃富源
共同指導教授 : 侯崇文


因亂倫事件經常被隱諱於家庭中,不易被揭露,被害人持續受害,處境孤立,亦存在著許多犯罪黑數及重複被害之情形,故亂倫事件之惡性甚大及對被害人影響甚深。本研究於探討亂倫被害人被害經驗與因應歷程,研究目的於瞭解亂倫被害人之被害經驗,如被害情境、反應詮釋、事件揭露、求助動機及因應歷程等。 本研究方法以質性研究方式,資料蒐集係透過訪談實際從事被害人家庭服務的社會工作者,期藉助社會工作者對被害人、加害人、其他家庭成員等角色介入處遇經驗,對於家庭全貌、動力有所洞悉與觀察,以提供充分、多元之觀察、評估資料。另以紮根理論之概念蒐集、分析資料,並利用WinMax質化分析軟體進行編碼,就相關特性資料加以編碼,並就所相關主題進行分類、歸納。 本研究發現:亂倫被害事件有發展上之時序,且前階段對後階段具影響力,雖時序亦有重疊之可能,但研究者仍試圖將之分為前兆期、受害期、影響期及復歸期四期,以說明事件發生原因、情境,發生後之處理影響、因應,及復原之影響。前兆期係指事件發生之加害人及被害人之個人特質、家庭結構、被害情境等原因;另於事件之狀態、發展,亦即有預兆,亦有危險因子和所謂的高危險群。有前兆未必一定被害,但如未阻止,則該被害對象即高可能繼續發展成被害人。受害期係指於被害情境因素聚足之下,而發生侵害事件,侵害事件有加害手法之差異,另有被害頻率、期間等侵害嚴重程度。影響期係指事件對被害人之影響與因應,亦即深化被害及被害轉化。復歸期係指被害人於被害後,影響其復原、回歸生活的正向有助及負向有損因素。本研究發現與被害理論之日常活動理論及相關文獻論點相似。 本研究認為以情境犯罪預防(situational crime prevention)策略,若被害歷程為一個連貫的過程,從過程中打斷,即可能不發生侵害事件,即若消除前兆之發生,亦可減少侵害事件發生。故針對亂倫家庭及相關單位提出防治策略建議,另對教育、社政、司法等相關專業提醒重視與防範。


Due to incest incidents are usually concealed by families, which is not easy to discover, incest victims continually being abused and isolated; meanwhile, the repeated abuse incidents and numerous dark figures which exist cannot be ignored. While incest incidents brought serious physical and psychological trauma to victims, the purpose of this research is to find out the victim experience of incest victims, such as the criminal situations, the reaction interpretations, the incident’s revelations, the motivation of help-seeking, and the coping process. This research is completed by qualitative research method, through interviewing the social workers whom directly provide services to incest victims. By social workers’ treatment experience via abusers, victims, and other family members, the researcher could discover the full image of the family and the family dynamics. At the same time, the researcher use WinMax qualitative analysis system to increase the reliability of this research. There were some findings as listed below: incest incidents have development timing order, and the previous stage will impact the next stage. The researcher classified the timing order to four stages, omen stage, victim stage, impact stage, and recover stage; and the order could overlap each other. Omen stage includes the personality, family structure, criminal situations, and other factors of abuser and victim. Omen does not lead to crime, but if professional authority did not prevent it in-time, the person whom is in the disadvantage situation has highly potential become a victim. Victim stage means the incest incident happened when the criminal situation elements are sufficient. Impact stage means the influence and coping reaction of victims. Recover stage includes the beneficial elements and disadvantage elements which impact the recovery of victims. The result of this research is similar to Routine Activities Theory. This research result supported the situational crime prevention strategy. If we view the victim experience as a coherent process, once the process was interrupted, the incest incident could be prevented. If we decrease the sufficiency of criminal situation elements, the frequency of incest incidents could be decrease at the same time. Therefore, this research provided suggestions of prevention strategy, also mention the importance of prevention for related authorities.




