  • 學位論文


A Study of Criminal Patterns in Pigeon Theft and Extortion and Police Investigation Strategies

指導教授 : 許春金 博士


本研究之目的在於了解竊鴿勒贖犯罪型態及建立警察偵查流程與作為,精進查緝竊鴿勒贖案件的能力。爾來國內發生竊鴿勒贖案件層出不窮,截至目前為止,國內尚無有效壓制竊鴿勒贖犯罪之對策,因該竊鴿勒贖犯罪涉及竊盜、恐嚇取財、侵占、毀損等犯罪,民眾損失金額龐大並衍生諸多相牽連的重大犯罪行為與犯罪黑數,引起政府最高監察部門及地方行政首長與警察機關的重視,惟有仰賴加強查緝之有效勤務作為方能遏止不法。 本研究以質性研究之深度訪談法為主軸,以警方刑案移送紀錄資料為輔,並參考媒體報導之次級資料,藉由警察機關刑事案件移送書紀錄資料45件、媒體報導次級資料、深入訪談偵查人員資料之分析,以瞭解竊鴿勒贖案件犯罪型態進而提升警察偵查作為。針對實務界警察偵查人員進行訪談4人,深入分析竊鴿勒贖犯罪型態與警察偵查作為並歸納整理。 研究後發現,竊鴿勒贖犯罪型態則有大略三種情形:一、個人作業型:1人獨自犯案完成所有犯罪工作。二、組織分工型:有專業領頭師父勘查現場、選定地點、分有把風、架設攔捕網、拆解中網、看守賽鴿、蒐購人頭帳戶提款卡犯罪工具、撥打恐嚇電話,專責提款車手,事後統一分配贓款完成整個犯罪流程。三、單純竊鴿型:犯罪嫌疑人只負責專責竊鴿行為,再交由其他人或集團去實施恐嚇取財,本身只涉嫌竊盜行為而不參與後續恐嚇勒贖,於竊鴿後隨即取得酬勞。 訪談發現,偵查作為有1、民眾自行報案2、公務單位或登山協會、賽鴿協會通報3、員警主動偵查:現場查緝有1、現場圍捕法:2、分段圍捕法:3、攔截圍捕法:等3種有效偵查要領。 建議將所有制壓該類犯罪的要素納入考量,提出可行的意見;建議如下:一、加強宣導,鼓勵受害民眾報案。二、建立受理竊鴿勒贖案件報案標準作業程序。三、電信金融機構應嚴審申辦檢核機制。四、與民互動,結合民眾、地方團體、行政機關三方共同蒐集情資。五、強化警察打擊能力,成立竊鴿勒贖犯罪專責小組。六、加重刑罰、修訂法令、追繳犯罪不法所得及賠償賠償。根據本研究的結果,建立標準偵查流程精進查緝竊鴿勒贖犯罪偵查作為,俾利警察人員在偵查竊鴿勒贖案件上有所參考,藉此提升警察專業查緝能力與提供偵查單位建議,並為未來制定相關刑事政策有所參酌。


The purpose of this study is to understand the criminal behavior of pigeon burglary and establish protocol and actions during the inspection process of police to improve police ability in investigating cases of pigeon burglary. Pigeon burglary cases have been occurring on a regular basis in Taiwan and up until now, there have been no effective strategies to suppress pigeon burglary and ransom. Pigeon burglary and ransom is a crime that entails burglary, threatening for financial gain, unlawful possession, and damages. The public has suffered large monetary damages and this crime has derived many related major criminal behavior and has attracted the attention of the highest supervising departments, local leaders, and the police. Reliance on improved investigation is the only solution that can suppress the problem. This study uses qualitative research and interviews as a primary method and police arrest records as a supplement along with media reports as secondary data; using these sources of data and analysis of in-depth interviews with investigators, the study will seek to understand the criminal behavior in pigeon burglary and ransom cases for the improvement of police investigative behavior. The study will focus on the interview of four experienced members of police investigators to form an in-depth analysis of pigeon burglary and ransom criminal behavior along with police investigative methods for the organization of records. The study found that there are three main circumstances in the criminal behavior of pigeon burglary and ransom cases: 1) personal crime: one criminal commits the crime and completes all criminal activity. 2) Organizational crime: a profession leader cases the scene, chooses a location then assigns tasks such as lookout, setting up a capture net, middle net removal, race pigeon guard, criminal tools of collecting dummy accounts with ATM cards, making the ransom call, and getaway driver. After the crime, the ransom is divided among the group. 3) Pure pigeon burglary: the criminal is solely in charge of stealing the pigeon and all ransom or threatening is given to other individuals or organizations to complete. The criminal only partakes in the burglary of the pigeon and no later activities; the criminal is paid immediately following the burglary. The interviews uncovered that investigative actions include 1) civilian reporting of the crime, 2) public department, hiking association, pigeon racing association reporting of the crime, and 3) police initiative in investigation: crime scene investigation includes three effective methods of investigation that are 1) crime scene arrest, 2) segmented arrest, and 3) intercept arrest. The study suggests taking all possible elements of suppressing this type of criminal activity into consideration to propose viable suggestions as below: 1) improve public education and encourage victims to report cases. 2) Establish a standard operating procedure for pigeon burglary and ransom cases. 3) Telecom and financial institutions should have stricter application approval mechanisms. 4) Interactive with the public to work with civilians, local groups, and government departments to collect information. 5) Improve policing ability by establishing tasks groups specializing in pigeon burglary and ransom. 6) Increase punishment and amend laws to reclaim illegal criminal gains and damages. This study concludes that establishing a standard operating procedure will focus investigations of pigeon burglary and ransom and offers this information for reference to police offers currently serving and working on pigeon burglary and ransom cases; this can improve police investigative abilities and this information is provided to investigative departments as suggestion for reference in future discussion and establishment of criminal policy.


Clarke, R.V. (1997). Situational crime prevention: successful case studies (2 ed.). New York: Harrow and Heston.
