  • 學位論文

自我藥療態度與非處方藥品購買意圖之關係: 以計畫行為理論為基礎

A Study of Relationship between Self-Medication Attitude and OTC Medicine Purchase Intention: Base on TPB

指導教授 : 張惠真


隨著生活水準提升,人們追求身心健康的保健意識抬頭,國際衛生組織WHO轄下負責推廣自我藥療的單位World Self-Medication Industry(WSMI),鼓勵民眾在出現身體不適的症狀時有能力自我處理,特別是能自行購買不需要經醫師指示且可以安全使用的藥物來服用以緩解容易分辨而常見的症狀。近年來健保財務赤字日益嚴重,許多民眾不論大小病症都會到醫院就診,除了浪費許多時間在掛號及候診外,醫師的診療時間及藥品的支出費用都將增加健保的負擔。因此本研究擬探討民眾的自我藥療態度是否會影響自行購買非處方藥品來緩解及改善自己的病症之意願。 本研究以計劃行為理論(TPB)為基礎,探討一般民眾自我藥療態度、自我效能及主觀規範,對OTC藥品購買意願的影響,採用階層迴歸分析法驗證上述變數之間關係。研究結果除了理論意義之外,希望同時提供政府與業者在策略擬訂方面的意涵。


As living standards improved, people seeking health care intention also increases, under the WHO has a promotion of self-medication non- government agencies World Self-Medication Industry (WSMI), to encourage people in the event of the body, especially in when the physician is not required by the instructions under the safe use of medicines can have the ability to self- handle or be able to buy their own drug use to relieve common symptoms rather easy to distinguish. In recent years, health insurance has serious financial deficit day, regardless of the size of many people to the hospital illness will, in addition to wasting a lot of time waiting to see a doctor registered outside Expenses time physicians and pharmaceutical resources will increase the burden on health insurance. Therefore, this study was to investigate whether people's attitude towards self-medication would affect the purchase of non-prescription drugs to relieve themselves and the willingness to improve their condition. In this study, theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) a basis to discuss the attitude of the general public self-medication, self-efficacy and subjective norm for OTC medicines purchase intention, to verify the relationship between the variables using hierarchical regression analysis. In addition to the theoretical significance of the findings, while offering hope that the government and industry implications in terms of policy formulation.


OTC Self-Efficacy Self-Medication TPB


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