  • 學位論文


The Determinants of Life Expectancy- Evidence from Taiwan, 1998 to 2007

指導教授 : 彭祐宜


根據內政部統計年報簡易生命表,台灣各縣市的出生時預期平均餘命不同,顯示各縣市間存在城鄉區域健康差異。所以,本研究希望找出影響台灣的預期平均餘命的因素,進而找出影響健康及壽命的因素。本文結合內政部台灣地區簡易生命表、中華民國統計資訊網—縣市重要統計指標資料庫、行政院主計處家庭收支調查資料庫的資料,利用固定效果模型分析預期平均餘命的決定因素。 實證結果顯示,人口密度對於預期平均餘命有顯著的負相關關係。在沒有加入時間趨勢的模型中,15歲以上人口離婚比率對於預期平均餘命有顯著的正相關關係,但在加入時間趨勢的模型中,15歲以上人口離婚比率對於預期平均餘命有不顯著的負相關關係。在沒有加入時間趨勢的模型中,15歲以上人口單身比率對於預期平均餘命有不顯著的正相關關係,但在加入時間趨勢的模型中,15歲以上人口單身比率對於預期平均餘命有顯著的負相關關係。就業結構--工業、平均消費傾向、失業率以及大專以上學歷比率對於預期平均餘命有顯著的正相關關係。


失業率 婚姻狀態 平均餘命


According to abridged life table in Statistical Yearbook of Interior, there are disparities in the life expectancy of cities and counties in Taiwan, which shows that there are disparities in health between metropolitan and rural areas. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the determinants of life expectancy in Taiwan, so as to find the determinants of health and longevity. This study used the data of abridged life table in Statistical Yearbook of Interior, the statistical database of National Statistics of R.O.C., and the database of the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure, and used fixed effect model to analyze the determinants of life expectancy. The empirical results show that population density is negatively correlated with life expectancy at birth significantly. The divorce rate of people who are over 15 years old is positively correlated with life expectancy at birth significantly before considering time trend. However, the divorce rate of people who are over 15 years old is negatively correlated with life expectancy at birth insignificantly after considering time trend. The single rate of people who are over 15 years old is positively correlated with life expectancy at birth insignificantly before considering time trend. However, the single rate of people who are over 15 years old is negatively correlated with life expectancy at birth significantly after considering time trend. The rate of doing industrial work, average propensity to consume, unemployment rate and the rate of college graduates are positively correlated with life expectancy at birth significantly.


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