  • 學位論文


The Impact of Parents' Marital Status on The Health of Children

指導教授 : 陳欽賢


本研究利用2005年國民健康訪問調查(12歲以下個人問卷)串聯健保資料 庫,加入就醫機率與頻率的概念作為兒童健康的判斷指標,試圖探討父母的婚姻狀態對兒童健康的影響。門診就診機率和住院機率使用非線性的Probit模型進行估計;門診支出、住院支出以及醫療總支出使用普通最小平方法進行迴歸估計;門診次數、住院次數和住院天數採用負二項分配模型估計。 實證結果發現,兒童門診就診機率和住院機率並未受到父母的婚姻狀態不同 而有所差異。單親兒童的門診支出與門診次數皆較少,住院支出則較高,可能是因為單親家長忙於工作,小孩生病卻沒有時間帶去看醫生,所以門診支出與次數較少,但未立即就醫導致病情加重需要住院,造成住院支出增加。除此之外,父母同居的兒童有較少的門診支出,其他項目和已婚雙親的兒童無顯著差異。不同於單親家長單方養育子女可能出現時間分配的問題,同居和已婚雙親的差異只是有無合法婚姻關係,父母雙方照顧小孩的時間分配比較能夠協調及分擔,推測可能存在時間分配以外的因素影響同居的門診支出。


The purpose of the study is to examine the impact of parents' marital status on the health of children. In this study, we use the probability and the frequency of receiving medical care services as the judging indication of children's health. Data are taken from the 2005 National Health Insurance Survey and the 2004-2007 National Health Database. It includes 3,742 children under twelve years old. Probit model, Ordinary least squares regression model, and Negative binomial regression model are used to analyze the probability and the frequency of medical care utilizations. The results show that the probabilities of receiving outpatient and hospitalization care won’t be affected by parents’ marriage status. However, children from single-parent family demand less outpatient visits and expenses but higher hospitalization expenses. Since parents from single-parent family are usually occupied with works and do not have time to bring their children to see the doctors when their children are sick, the outpatient expenses and visits are less than their counterparts. However, this could lead to more serious sickness and higher hospitalization expenses later on. Moreover, children from cohabitation families spend less on outpatient expenses. Different from single-parent families who might have problems with time management because they have to raise children alone, both parents from cohabitation families and married-parents families can share the burdens and the time of taking care of children. Since the difference between the two families only lies on the legality of parents’ marriage, we can speculate that there might be factors other than time management which will affect outpatient expenses for children from cohabitation families.


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