  • 學位論文


A Study on the Correlation between Personnel Evaluation and Organizational Reform of New Taipei City District Offices

指導教授 : 呂育誠


中央政府機關總員額法自99年4月1日起施行後,新北市政府依據「地方行政機關組織準則」及中央與地方人事行政一體之特性,101年起對29區公所進行員額評鑑。新北市政府為能在員額總數13,860人內有效配置及管理所屬各機關員額,爰透過評鑑制度來診斷各受評機關之現況。區公所改制後與市府權責關係產生變化,在現行不得請增員額限制下,陸續承接市府下授業務,致區公所業務與人力兩者間逐漸失去平衡。由於員額評鑑結果將促使受評區公所產生變革,而變革之關鍵維繫於二股力量,一旦驅策力大於抑制力時變革隨之啟動;反之,抑制力大於驅策力時組織之變革將受阻。基此,本研究透過文獻分析法、深度訪談法及問卷調查法等實證研究,瞭解評鑑機關市府擬定評鑑項目應依受評區公所特性與需求採差異性考量;受評區公所人員在評鑑過程中應有的態度及作為;最後,因應評鑑執行受評區公所推動組織變革應配合採行之人事管理或其他變革作為。 本論文研究發現如次: 一、增加驅策力(助力)面向:(一)評鑑6大構面所延伸之項目未盡符合實際運作現況;(二)102年評鑑重點已適時納入政策性業務;(三)未依受評區公所特性設計不同評鑑項目。 二、減少抑制力(阻力)面向:(一)區長的支持將影響後續區政業務之推行;(二)人事人員之表現有助於區公所人員對評鑑的認知及執行;(三)員工在評鑑過程會產生壓力及不信任。 三、區公所配合的人事管理或變革作為:(一)業務消長情形,區公所未相對檢討人力配置;(二)運用資訊系統雖助於工作或流程簡化,惟有時未能符實際運作需求;(三)員工專業能力加強過程會產生壓力及擔心。 本論文研究建議如次: 一、增加驅策力(助力)面向:(一)設計更貼近受評區公所特性之6大構面及其延伸項目;(二)納入市府下授之政策性業務;(三)評鑑項目應蘊含受評區公所特殊性業務及需求。 二、減少抑制力(阻力)面向:(一)區長的支持與認知;(二)人事人員的溝通及協調;(三)員工的參與。 三、區公所應配合的人事管理或變革作為:(一)依業務消長情形同時進行人力重新配置;(二)定期檢討工作或流程簡化;(三)加強員工知能並改變學習態度;(四)市府與區公所合作。 關鍵字:組織變革、員額評鑑


員額評鑑 組織變革


After the Act Governing the Total Number of Headcounts of Central Government Agencies took effect on Apr. 1, 2010, New Taipei City Government acted according to the Criteria of Local Administrative Organization and the principle of integration of central and local personnel administration and started in 2012 to conduct personnel evaluation on its 29 district offices to assess the condition of these agencies and deploy and manage the 13,860 employees more effectively. Changes occurred between the responsibilities of the district offices and the city government after the organizational reform. However, as a consequence of the current regulation prohibiting increase of staff members and growing work assignments from the city government, the responsibilities and manpower of the district offices were gradually becoming unbalanced. The personnel evaluation would result in certain changes to the district offices and such changes would be subject to two factors, namely the driving force and the restraining force. Once the driving force exceeded the restraining force, changes would happen. On the contrary, when the restraining force was weaker than the driving force, organizational changes would be obstructed. In this study empirical methods including documentary analysis, in-depth interview and questionnaire survey will be applied to understand whether the city government took into consideration the characteristics and different needs of various district offices when conducting the evaluation, how the personnel of district offices being evaluated reacted throughout the evaluation process, and what personnel management or other changes the evaluated district offices have made in line with the organizational reform to be undertaken. The findings of this study are as follows: I. In increase of driving force (assistance):(1) The items extended from the six major aspects of evaluation were inconsistent with actual operations;(2) policy-related work was already included as a key area to be evaluated in 2013;and (3) no specific evaluation items were established in accordance with the characteristics of different district offices. II. In decrease of restraining force (resistance):(1) The support of district chiefs would have an effect on subsequent promotion of district administration work;(2) The performance of personnel workers could facilitate district office staff members’ understanding of the evaluation and its execution;and (3) the evaluation could generate pressure and distrust among district office staff members. III. Personnel management or reform measures taken by district offices after the evaluation:(1) the district offices did not review manpower deployment in accordance with the change of workload in different departments;(2) use of information systems could facilitate work or simplify procedures but sometimes it failed to meet actual demand;and (3) enhancement of expertise of the employees could generate pressure and worries. The suggestions of this study are as follows: I. In increase of driving force (assistance):(1) The six major aspects of the evaluation and their extended items should be designed more in line with the characteristics of different district offices; (2) policy-related work assigned by the city government should be included;and (3) the evaluation items should include the special operations and needs of district offices to be evaluated. II. In decrease of restraining force (resistance):(1) the support and recognition of district chiefs are needed;(2) personnel workers should make more communication and coordination;(3) participation of district office employees should be encouraged. III. Personnel management or reform measures taken by district offices after evaluation:(1) manpower should be redeployed in accordance with the change of workload in different departments;(2) work review and procedural simplification should be conducted regularly;(3) the knowledge and skills of the employees should be enhanced and their learning attitude improved; and (4) the city government and district offices should work together. Keywords: organizational reform, personnel evaluation


陳冠浤譯,Angelo Kinicki Robert Kreitner原著,2009,《組織行為》,台北市;美商麥格羅‧希爾國際股份有限公司 台灣分公司。
Robbins.S.P.(2003),”Organizational learning and resistance to change in Estonian companies.” Human Resource Development International, 5(3): 313-331.


