  • 學位論文


A Study On "Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian"

指導教授 : 盧錦堂


《天祿琳琅書目•後編》為清嘉慶初內府昭仁殿藏書之解題目錄,收有六百六十三部書籍,計一萬二千二百五十八冊;其書雖仿《天祿琳琅書目•前編》之體例以編,然因所著錄之古籍善本猶泰半存於今世,有益後人之對校辨析、窮源竟委,愈提升了其在目錄版本學上之地位。現存《天祿琳琅書目•後編》所著錄諸書除見於臺北故宮博物院及海內外各大圖書館之外,甚或有流散民間,為拍賣公司徵集競拍者。總之,此批書籍無論於清皇室,或近代人眼中,皆視為曠世珍籍,身價非凡。 本論文全文約十七萬八千餘字,主要以《天祿琳琅書目•後編》目錄編製及所著錄諸書兩面項進行探討,論文分六章: 第一章〈緒論〉,共四節,述明研究之動機、價值、範圍、方法、研究取徑及尚未能克服之研究限制,並探討前人對本議題之相關研究。 第二章〈《天祿琳琅書目•後編》之編纂〉,共五節,推究藏書緣由及此目成書背景、收書情形、特點,再分析其編撰及著錄體例。 第三章〈《天祿琳琅書目•後編》書籍聚散與流向〉,共兩節,探源此批藏書何以流出清宮,貯藏各地,甚至落入民間,不知所歸;進而彙整見於著錄之所有書籍之存佚情況。 第四、五章〈《天祿琳琅書目•後編》知見書籍版本鑑定錯誤之辨析〉,共五節,釐析纂校諸臣使用之版本鑑定方法,並以知見書籍為範疇,持原書核校書目之著錄,辨析版本鑑定錯誤者,還原版本真相。 第六章〈結論〉,簡述《天祿琳琅書目》前後二編對後世公私藏書目錄之影響,並針對未行於世之《天祿琳琅書目•三編》、《天祿琳琅書目•四編》作一闡述。 「天祿琳琅」藏書係清宮廷善本圖書之代表,《天祿琳琅書目•後編》與其所著錄諸書並行於世,亦是今日唯一可印證昭仁殿藏曾經鼎盛之明據,於藏書史上,彌足珍貴,極具價值。


Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian is the index of interpretation of the book collection at Zhaoren Palace at the beginning of Jiaqing period in Qing Dynasty. The compilation includes 663 books in 12258 volumes. The compilation was in imitation of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Qian-bian style. Most of the compiled books are still available now, helping proofreading and differentiating for interpretation. The status of the compilation is much improved in bibliography. In addition to National Palace Museum and major libraries, the compiled books in Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian are also found in the private sector and auctioned by auction companies. All in all, these books are outstanding treasure to both Qing royal family and contemporary people. This paper is in around 178,000 characters and focuses on making of index and the compiled books of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian in six chapters. Chapter I: Introduction is in four sections, stating the study motive, values, scope methods, ways and unconquered difficulties as well as exploration of studies of earlier researchers on this topic. Chapter II: Compilation of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian in five sections. It examines the origin of collection, background of the compilation, collection situation, characteristics and analysis of editing and record styles. Chapter III: Collection and Distribution of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian Books in two sections. It explores why the compilation was distributed from Qing royal family to all places and finally no whereabouts. It then discusses the conditions of existing books in the compilation. Chapters IV and V: Examination of Mistakes in Edition Appraisal of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian Books in five sections. They clarify the edition appraisal methods of the proofreaders in the past in the scope of books available, maintaining the record of the compilation, examining the mistakes of edition appraisal and restoring the true appearance of the compilation. Chapter VI: Conclusions state the influence of Qian-bian and Hou-bian of Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu on public and private book collection and expound unpublished Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu San-bian and Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Si-bian. Tien-lu Lin-lang is the representative of reliable edition books in Qing Dynasty. Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian and the compiled books are the only evidence the prosperity of Zhaoren Palace book collection. Tien-lu Lin-lang Shu-mu Hou-bian is valuable in the history of book collection.


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