  • 學位論文


Protection of Part-Time Workers:With Special Reference to Labor Rights of Senior High School Part-Time Teachers in Taiwan

指導教授 : 郭玲惠


因應社會經濟的多元化,同時隨著經濟發展和產業結構的變化下,產生不同於以往的勞動契約型態,即所謂非典型勞動型態,而本文討論的重點為其中的部分工時勞動型態。 我國目前部分工時勞工之人數比例與歐洲各國相較雖不高,但其中婦女及青少年、老年人等較弱勢族群占大多數,與雇主進行勞資協商之空間極少,若不對於其權益加以保護,恐造成其地位更不平等。 然而目前關於部分工時勞工之規範,散見於勞動相關法規,而專法付之闕如,因為其工時縮減之特性,無法與全時勞工一體適用,故部分工時勞工面臨爭議問題時,往往無所適從。因此本文之第一階段試著將部分工時勞工於勞動場域所發生之爭議問題作類型化討論,並以均等待遇原則與同值同酬原則作為規準,探討解決之方式。 此外,近年來由於少子化效應影響,造成學校擔心教師超額問題而不聘任正式教師,以及教師課稅後減課政策,學校裡有大量的課務需要教師消耗,在現有的正式教師不足下,聘任非正式教師(包括代理教師及部分工時教師)已成常態,但就勞動權益及條件而言,部分工時教師無法適用教師法及勞基法,對於其勞動權及工作權是極大的戕害,因此第二階段擬將正式教師、全時代理教師、部分工時教師、部分工時勞工,為勞動條件類型化的比較分析,探討部分工時教師之勞動權保障,最後,提出部分工時勞工及部分工時教師之勞動權應以法制化保障的建議。


In response to the changes and needs of the social and economic developments in modern society, “atypical employment” which is different from the traditional employment, becomes more prevalent. Therefore, the focus of this study is to discuss “part-time employment” within the domain of atypical employment. Even though the current percentage of part-time employees in Taiwan is not as high as many European countries, minority groups such as women, newly graduates, and older individuals constantly struggle with negotiating their rights with employers. It is possible that without proper action their rights will be further violated which would lead to even more social injustice. However, the regulations and laws regarding part-time employees are often neglected. The specialized regulations and laws for part-time employees are limited due to the nature of the employment (e.g., fewer working hours). As a result, part-time employees continue to struggle with job-related issues due to the lack of support from the environment. The first part of this article will discuss the issues faced by part-time employees, generate systemic discussion, and explore possible solutions based on equal-pay principle. In recent years, due to the impact of the low birth rate in Taiwan, many public school teachers have been hired as contract-based employees. Other relevant factors include tax-related policy and increasing workload for other teachers. Like part-time employees aforementioned, the regulations and laws for public school teachers do not apply to contract-based teachers and this has caused great harm to their rights and benefits. In the second part of the study, a comparison analysis will be conducted among formally-hired teachers, contract-based teachers (e.g., full-time substitutes and part-time teachers), and part-time employees to explore the rights of contract-based teachers. Last, in order to promote the rights and benefits of people who have “atypical employment,” suggestions and recommendations will be made based on the results of the study.


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