  • 學位論文


In search of "Knowledge of Praxis"~~The “Record of Mysteries” of Social Work Profession”

指導教授 : 王行


人的生活就像作曲,個人為美感所引導,把一件件偶發事件轉換為音樂動機,然後,這個動機在個人生活的樂曲中,取得一個永恆的位置。                         ~~米蘭昆德拉 說到底,這一篇論文,是一次又一次的聆聽與回應。我聽見幽靈,以文字回應它的守望。當我拒絕好客,放棄和平之時,幽靈總會在恰好的時刻給出允諾和希望,向我證明,好客與和平正在身邊徘徊。而當我做著「無限好客」和「永久和平」的美夢時,幽靈又把我喚醒,大聲疾呼:新的、更大的危險正悄悄來臨。 幽靈是誰?逝去者與書裡的人是幽靈;未逝者和書本外的人,也是幽靈。在論文中,你可以看見一些人影:小王子、K、米蘭昆德拉、Odysseus、漢娜鄂蘭、Y,梅豆豆先生、L、大小Max、無名者、Sonja……他們都是幽靈。 2009年秋天,我進入台北大學社工所,在助人專業的世界裡,看不見專業,因而展開一趟「尋找專業」之旅。一路上遇見形形色色的幽靈。幽靈以其各自獨特的性情習慣,時兒陪我走著,指點迷津。除此之外,馴獸師、能言善道者、天使工廠作業員、忠實的天使……同樣也善意熱心與我交談,為我解惑。 論文,大約便是這趟旅程所見所聞的紀錄。在途中,很多時候是迷了路的,因而閱讀的過程中,你可能一不小心也會跟著我一起迷路;你若不願意與我的文字一塊兒找路,可稍作歇息,或直接跳到「備忘錄」,那兒擺放了一些關於這份論文的索引。 論文摘要,似乎終究需要給出一份簡要清楚的研究結論,好歹經過三年半,也走了一段路,應該有點新奇發現才是。我不太願意重複論文中曾經出現的文字,因而關於這趟踏尋的發現,建議你直接閱讀「論文八問」的第一問 。「第一問」是整本論文最後完成的段落。篇幅不長,五六百字。我認為那是「尋找專業探問之旅」的終點,言簡意賅勾勒出整份論文的內隱結構與領悟。


Things got lost in forest road, but the forest road will not get lost. - Heidegger “Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens” Tears would stop, but when does water rest? The “forging” and the “training” of social work perhaps is a journey down the road of repentant love. The Committee member gave me a little tip on the day of the oral exam about the subtitle of my thesis “The Variations of the Social Work Education Teaching Evaluation” that could perhaps be considered to have a revision. The instructors then showed me short phrase “The Social Work Education Trek” as a reference. The day after the oral exam, there were many words flashed in my head: road in the mist, mythos, mystery, crossroad, lost, etc... After repeatedly considerations, I decided to change the subtitle of my thesis to “The “Record of Mysteries” of Social Work Profession”. I replaced Social Work Education with Social Work Profession, and replaced Trek with The Record of Mysteries. This is a valuable gift, as well as an acceptance and understanding, which I received on the day of the oral exam. Profession is a commitment to responsibility, just like the promise of Mentor to Odysseus which was 20 years of beliefs and waiting. Mentor took a good care of Odysseus’s young child until he was fully grown. I was lost in the world of profession; but I saw Mentor was waiting at the hometown. One could feel the weight of the word “myth” when he/she is lost and thinking a way out. The escaping of an animal is not a random act, as I am not unscrupulousness either. Although it is easily unnoticed, I do believe the word “myth” does have a key effect on this road to search profession. If we put “lost” and “thinking” together, then we cannot get out of the normal meaning of the word “myth”. I was also thinking that both Mentor and Odysseus are mythological (epic) characters; and mythos is a real story as well as an unreal story. If I use the word “mythos” in my subtitle, then it could reflect the “fictional truth” in my thesis. However, “mythos” is similar to “myth” that they both have meaningful definitions. My thesis is not a mythological research, nor a religious research. I had trouble deciding between “mythos” and “myth” and didn’t know how to do. Eventually, I decided to use “mysteries”, so I could get away from the traps of “mythos” and “myth”. Yes, I was lost on the road to search profession; and I thought and solved the riddles when I was looking for way out. Also, I really enjoy the name of road of repentant love, so I named the subtitle of my thesis: The “Record of Mysteries” of Social Work Profession”.


吳潛誠校譯(1996)。Italo Calvino著。給下一輪太平盛世的備忘錄。台北:時報出版。
