  • 學位論文

運輸型自行車道路網規劃模式之設計與應用 -以台北市信義區為例

Developing a transportational bikeway network design model-A case study of Sinyi District in Taipei City

指導教授 : 林楨家


基於節能減碳的永續發展目標,鼓勵都會民眾步行、騎乘自行車或使用大眾運輸工具的「綠色運輸」發展觀念,逐漸成為都市運輸規劃的重點。台灣的自行車使用人口正快速增加中,自行車使用者的需求逐漸受到重視。中央及地方政府都陸續宣示推動自行車使用的政策,將發展重點自休閒遊憩延伸至通勤、通學與日常生活等運輸功能。由於建置自行車道是鼓勵自行車使用的重要條件,而先前的自行車道路網規劃多以遊憩目的的需求為考量條件,對於運輸型自行車道路網的研究較為缺乏,且國內外尚無針對自行車道路網規劃發展的路網設計問題,因此有需要對運輸型自行車道路網規劃進行深入的探討。 首先,本研究進行運輸型自行車道與路網設計問題之相關文獻回顧,進一步使用數學規劃方法建構出以提升自行車使用者安全性、提高自行車道環境舒適度、服務性以及降低設置自行車道對既有道路之交通衝擊為目標的多目標灰色0-1規劃模式,模式中考量設置種類、成本、路網連續性以及決策變數值域等限制條件,並應用灰色一階演算法,尋找非劣解集合,以提供決策者多元的決策空間。繼而透過台北市信義區的實例分析檢驗模式之實用性,實例規劃結果產生六個替選方案,並發現既有自行車道路網與方案二相符合,表示既有路網之規劃方向著重於舒適度。最後,在都市景觀設計政策發現,各目標在路段林蔭比例下限設定為20%與40%時,在規劃結果上具有整體較佳的表現;此外,在交通安全改善政策分析上,發現此政策情境僅對安全性有提升作用,而對於其他目標並無影響。 本研究所建構的運輸型自行車道規劃模式是文獻上第一個自行車道路網設計問題,提供規劃者進行自行車道布設規劃的分析工具。而實例分析過程示範了模式之應用過程與經驗,可供其他地區應用本研究模式的操作參考。本研究對台北市信義區的實例研究結果,可提供台北市政府對當地自行車道路網布設規劃之參考,規劃者以本模式規劃結果為基礎,進行方案評估與細部設計,有助於提升規劃作業的效率與系統性。


To achieve the goals of energy conservation and carbon reduction, the concept of green transportation, which encourage walking, biking and using transit systems, is increasingly valued in urban transportation planning. Increasing bike users in Taiwan have made the governments respect the bike users’ needs. Both the central and local governments had declared bike promotion policies, which tend to extend the bike use from recreational purposes to transportational needs of commuting and daily life. Providing adequate bikeways is important to encourage bike uses while the existing bikeway networks are mostly developed for recreational purposes. Since the lacks of transportational bikeway study and bikeway network design problem, the research of transportational bikeway network design problem is very valued. The followings are the contents of this study. First of all, the literatures of bikeway planning and network design problem were reviewed in this study. According to the review results, the bikeway network design model was developed as a multiple objectives grey 0-1 programming model. The aspired objectives include: maximizing the bike users’ safety, maximizing the environmental amenity of bikeways, maximizing the population coverage and minimizing the traffic impacts on the other road users. The model considers the constraints of bikeway types, monetary budgets, path continuities and decision variables’ value ranges. Moreover, the grey one-stage algorithm was employed to solve the developed model in the case study of Sinyi District, on which the model’s applicability was verified. Totally six non-dominated alternatives were generated in the case study. Comparing the model’s alternatives with the existing network, this study confirmed that the existing network is similar to the second alternative, i.e., the exiting network principally considered environmental amenity. Finally, the policy analyses concluded that maintaining the lower bound of roadside tree densities between 20% and 40% reaches generally better performances than the other scenarios while improving traffic safety just elevate the safety objective and doesn’t affect the other objectives. This study potentially reached the following contributions. First, the developed model is the first network design problem for bikeways in the literatures. Second, the analysis process of case study demonstrates an model application experience for further model applications. Finally, the case study results offer concrete recommendations to the Taipei City Government for further evaluations and detailed designs in an efficient and systematical way.


1. 中華民國景觀學會(2002),「自行車道設計準則彙編」,台北:中華民國景觀學會。
4. 台北市政府(2002),「台北市腳踏車道設置規範」,台北:台北市政府交通局。
7. 交通部運輸研究所(1997),「腳踏車系統可行性研究」,台北:交通部運輸研究所。
10. 交通部運輸研究所(1998),「腳踏車專用道之規劃研究」,台北:交通部運輸研究所。
16. 詹詩姿與蘇瑛敏(2008),「淺談市區型自行車道之規劃原則-以台北市為例」,中華民國建築師公會全國聯合會,台北,光碟版論文集。


