  • 學位論文


A Discussion on the Strategy of introduction of Foreign Professional and Technical Personnel – an empirical study on Technology Industry

指導教授 : 陳金貴


在全球化趨勢日漸明顯的趨勢下,資金往哪裡走,人就往哪裡走。人才往全球移動,企業也向世界尋找人才。全球化影響所及,企業的人力資源管理策略也因而改變。全球化讓經濟產業更緊密結合,跨國企業增加,也造就人才跨國移動現象。在貿易自由化的風潮下,關稅調降與非關稅貿易障礙的排除,地理疆界逐漸消失,商品、資本與人力可以更自由的移動到更有利的市場去。 本研究篩選三方利害關係人,官方代表科技產業相關人士、業界代表包括科技企業人資主管與外籍專技人員和學界代表,期待窺其議題全貌與其中牽涉之關係脈絡。主要研究目的與問題為:(一) 目前台灣科技產業的人力現況,其供需情況,對應在科技產業中的領域。(二) 利害關係人彼此之間的認知與立場的差異,其雙方或多方影響之情況。(三) 利害關係人彼此間之利益相容或利益衝突存在情況。(四) 利益關係人間互相影響下,適合發展之因應措施與其因應措施的意義。 透過本研究採用深度訪談法為主,文獻研究法為輔。研究者本身以面對面的方式進行訪談,針對不同利害關係人,並根據研究目的與問題,已事先擬定半結構性的訪談大綱。詢問利害關係人的價值取向、對事件的認知和看法,還有與其他利害關係人的互動關係。 本研究主要研究結果,根據三方利害關係人訪談結果,其利害關係人團體之間對於議題本身之差異有所落差。相關研究結果與建議分三方面如下: (一) 人才需求認知產官學面之差異。(二)外籍專技人才目標與實際運作之差異。(三)產業轉型力量不足問題。如何將三方利害關係人相異認知立場,導向趨於一致,在其中取的平衡點。為了避免規劃策略與實際執行脫節的情況發生,是本研究主要之研究貢獻。


As globalization taking effect day by day, people move toward wherever capital goes. Human capital circulates globally and enterprises seek for human capital around the world. Globalization is changing enterprises’ human resource management strategy. Globalization brings economic industry closer than ever, and increasing number of multi-national enterprise also causes human capital to move across national boundaries. As free trade becomes a trend, custom is reduced, non-custom trade obstacle is removed, and geographic borders are fading away; merchandise, capital, and human resource can now move freely to more favorable markets. This Study has selected three stakeholders of government officials, who represent technology industry; business representatives, including human resource managers and foreign professional and technical personnel of technology enterprises; and academic representatives, to explore the overall aspect of the subject and the relation involved. The major purposes and issues of this Study are (1) status quo of supply and demand of human resource among Taiwanese technology industry; (2) differences of understandings and stances among the stakeholders and their situation of bilateral or multilateral influences; (3) interest compatibility and conflict among the stakeholders; and (4) measures taken, and their meanings, in response to the mutual influence among the stakeholders. This Study adopts in-depth interview as the major method and literature study as the supplementary method. The researcher interviews the respondents in person with the respective outlines prepared in advance based on the purposes and issues of this Study. The stakeholders are asked about their opinions about the issues and the inter-relation with other stakeholders. The major result from the interview on the three stakeholders in this Study shows difference opinions among the stakeholders. The result and the recommendation fall in three aspects: (1) differences in understanding of the need for human capital among the industry, government, and scholars; (2) differences in the goal and practice concerning foreign professional and technical personnel; and (3) insufficient effort in industry transformation. A balance is required to bring the different understandings among the three stakeholders closer to a convergence, whereby derailing between strategy planning and implementation in practice may be prevented. This is the primary contribution made by this Study.


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