  • 學位論文


Exploring the Ideas and Practices of the Facilitators with Mediation Experiences in Restorative Justice

指導教授 : 黃蘭媖


法務部於2010年開始推動修復式司法試行方案,這也是我國首度將修復式正義之理念運用於刑事司法制度,在此之前,我國對於修復式正義的討論有一部分集中於現行制度是否可能與修復式正義精神相通,而傳統調解便是論者著墨甚深的一個部分。而傳統調解和修復式司法方案究竟有何不同,亦為一般民眾甚至修復式司法操作者所困惑之處。於此次修復式司法試行方案中,有些修復促進者兼具鄉鎮市調解或家事調解主持之經驗,因此本文希望透過探討這些修復促進者對於制度異同之理解,以及他們在試行方案中之親身實踐,針對此議題做初步的探討。 修復促進者皆認為修復式司法應有別於傳統調解,但修復促進者在實踐上之操作普遍難以擺脫傳統調解式的作法,這是由於開案階段、評估階段所未能解決的問題,一般而言也無法藉由對話階段解決,其中責任議題未能釐清之結果,使得加、被害人對話聚焦於案件本身,爭執彼此的責任,使得對話走向朝向傳統調解式的目標(問題解決),無從促進修復式司法目標之達成。 評估標準的嚴謹程度左右了對話前準備工作的多寡,而這其實反映了修復促進者心中對於「修復式司法目的」和「加、被害人對話目的」理解的差異,實則為此次修復式司法試行方案所推動之主要模式為VOM方案所可能出現的矛盾。研究結果發現,若因推動模式為VOM而不為加、被害人對話設定嚴格的前提要件並確切執行之,便難以達成修復式司法之目標。 修復促進者的理想和實踐有其落差,反映出人的因素可以左右制度的成敗,因而在修復式司法中可能產生修復調解化的情形,但反過來說,也存在將修復式司法精神注入傳統調解制度,使其產生新面貌的可能。修復促進者普遍認為無論在鄉鎮市調解制度或家事調解制度中,若能將修復式司法程序前置,對於問題的解決會更有幫助,因為緩解雙方的敵意關係會使問題的解決更為迅速,也使得案件因未能徹底解決而再進入調解程序的可能性降低。 具體而言,必須就案件實際情況來研判情感、關係修復對於問題解決的必要性,如有必要則作法有二,一為以修復式司法程序前置於調解程序,一則是在既有的調解制度之中,直接注入修復式司法之精神,使得主持程序之鄉鎮市調解委員和家事調解委員,皆對修復式司法精神有所了解,具備於調解程序中運用修復式司法精神解決問題的能力與敏感度。關於何等案件需要情感、關係修復前置,在創設修復式司法新制度或於既有制度中注入修復式司法精神間該如何抉擇等相關問題,有賴後續研究做更深入的探討。


The Ministry of Justice started promoting the Restorative Justice Pilot in 2010 -- the first time that the ideas of "restorative justice" have ever been applied to Taiwanese criminal justice system. Previous discussions about restorative justice focused partly on whether the existing criminal justice system had the spirit of restorative justice; thus, traditional mediation system is one of the most researched issues. However, the crucial differences between traditional mediation system and restorative justice pilot puzzle both ordinary people and even restorative justice operators. Hence, in interviewing six facilitators who have experiences as township mediators or family mediators, this research attempts to examine their understandings of the similarities and differences between the two systems, and to investigate this issue with regard to their practical experiences in the Restorative Justice Pilot. The facilitators interviewed hold that restorative justice should be distinguished from traditional mediation system. However, its practices generally cannot refrain from the shadow of traditional mediation system. Problems that cannot be solved during the case-opening phase or the assessment phase generally cannot be solved in the dialogue phase, either. Among all the problems, the most important one is the responsibility-taking issue -- if it cannot be solved in the early phases, then it is possible that the victim-offender mediation focuses on the case itself, steering the direction of the conversation toward traditional mediation (problem-solving) rather than restorative justice. The gap between ideals and practices shows that human factor wields decisive influence on the system. On the other hand, it is nonetheless possible to instill the spirit of restorative justice in traditional mediation systems. Facilitators assume that, whether in the township mediation system or in the family mediation system, preceded restorative justice processes would help solve the problems by reducing hostilities between the victim and the offender. Whether to create a new restorative justice system or simply inject restorative justice spirits into the existent system is an important issue to be further explored.




