  • 學位論文


A Study on Life Course of Male Heroin Addicts

指導教授 : 許春金


根據法務統計的資料顯示,近年來國內毒品問題日益惡化,其中又以海洛因濫用最為嚴重。為瞭解海洛因成癮者所經歷之生命事件,如何對其用藥史與犯罪生涯之形成、相互影響機制以及跨時間演變的過程產生影響,本研究採取發展性觀點,嘗試釐清其複雜且豐富的生命歷程發展輪廓。 本研究由北部某戒治所之受戒治人中,篩選出三位符合研究條件的個案:男性、四十歲以上、海洛因用藥史長達三年以上,且過去至少具備兩次以上的官方犯罪紀錄等條件者,進行訪談與資料收集。訪談大綱的部份,則根據McAdams的生命故事訪談綱要來設計,並融入Farrington、Thornberry、Sampson 與 Laub等學者對於生命歷程發展的理論觀點,亦參酌Makkai與Payne以及 Goldstein 三位學者對於毒品施用與犯罪行為之關聯性所提出的理論性解釋,作為設計細部訪談主題的主要參考依據。研究主要發現如下: 一、個體犯罪行為並非固定不變,日後的正向以及負向生命事件將引領犯罪軌跡的持續以及變遷。 二、吸毒與犯罪之生涯軌跡並非兩條平行線,兩者之間確實存在緊密的相互影響機制。 三、海洛因成癮者同時扮演犯罪人以及犯罪被害人的雙重角色,而且是某些特定犯罪的重複被害者,且難以跳脫。 四、海洛因成癮者對於個人的犯罪事實,普遍存在獨特的詮釋方式,具有犯罪中立化的現象。 五、犯罪隨著年齡的增長而下降、減少,肯定犯罪終止現象的存在。此外,早期的風險指標實無法準確預測成年後長期犯罪行為的轉折或變化。 因此,本研究提出以下幾點建議: 一、家庭功能的提升 二、學校教育仍應對低學習成就者伸出援手 三、杜絕負面環境效應的影響,強化更生保護功能 四、提供正向社會連結與機會條件 五、重視個人意志力對犯罪預防的重要意義 六、監禁策略對於毒品再犯預防效果似有限,宜妥適配置矯治資源


海洛因成癮 犯罪 生命歷程


Statistics from Ministry of Justice have shown that heroin abuse has become more and more common in Taiwan. This study emphasizes on the correlation and interaction among a heroin addict’s life events, drugs abuse history and crimes in a long term. This study tries to clarify the complicated life-course of drug addicts by using developmental perspective. This study selected three people as participants who were under rehabilitation treatment at a rehabilitation center in northern Taiwan. They were selected according to the purpose of the study: males above forty years old, heroin abuse above three years, and two formal crimes records at least. Deep interviews were used as data collection method. The interview guidelines of this study were designed according to McAdams’s life story interview, integrated with the life process development theory of Farrington, Thornberry, Sampson and Laub, and other scholars。There were also referred to the theoretical explanations of the relationship between drug abuse and criminal behavior proposed by Makkai, Payne and Goldstein. The results of the study are presented as follows: 1.Criminal behavior of an individual is not fixed. Positive and negative life events during one’s life will lead to the stability and movement of criminal behavior. 2. There exists interplay between one’s drug abuse and criminal records. 3.Heroin addicts play both the roles of criminal and victim; furthermore, are often the constant victims of certain crimes. 4.Heroin addicts tend to interpret their crimes in a unique way, regarding it as the phenomenon of criminal neutrality. 5.Criminal behavior is in inverse relation with age. Moreover, the early risk indicator can not predict precisely the long-term criminal behavior. According to the research findings, this study provides several suggestions as below: 1.Promoting the socialization function of the family. 2.Giving a hand to the child who owns low science achievement. 3.Getting rid of the influence of the negative environment, and strengthening the function of the after-care system. 4.Offering the positive social association and chance. 5.Emphasizing the human agency is a key issue for preventing the crime. 6.The effect of incapacitation strategy which prevents the drug crimes is limited. Thus, the resources of organization should be distributed well.


Heroin Addict Crime Life-Course




吳佩珊(2010)。Party Time!!毒品與「轟趴」結合之次文化〔碩士論文,國立臺北大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0023-0609201016453100
