  • 學位論文


The Preventive Effect of Campus Patrol on Crime

指導教授 : 周愫嫻
共同指導教授 : 孫懿賢


論文提要內容: 本研究希望透過設計不同的校園警衛巡邏方式,採取時間序列準實驗法,驗證校園警衛巡邏方式對校園犯罪事件、學生被害案件、學生被害恐懼、見警率、學生校園安全認知之效果。以校園安全指標調查表作為研究工具,嗣就臺北市一所國民中學學生,進行三階段問卷調查,得有效問卷837份。同時,亦分析校方犯罪事件統計資料。 三階段問卷調查包括熱點熱時巡邏方案前、熱點熱時巡邏方案後及恢復傳統巡邏方案後,而熱點熱時巡邏與傳統巡邏各實施六星期。依據資料分析結果,本研究發現校園內巡邏若採用熱點加熱時方案,可以減少學生自陳被害事件、降低被害恐懼感、增加巡邏能見度,以及增加學生對校園安全認知等各項校園安全指標。 三階段校園安全指標變化如下:自陳被害事件方面,在熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施之前,被害經歷最多者為「有人在校園裡偷你東西」;而熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施後,校園內恐嚇、勒索、偷竊、欺負及性騷擾、猥褻或性侵害等被害經驗有顯著的抑制作用;而恢復傳統巡邏方案後,偷竊及性騷擾、猥褻或性侵害等被害經驗則少於熱點熱時巡邏方案後。在被害恐懼感方面,在熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施之前,學生最感到恐懼的前三名是被偷、被欺負及被性騷擾、猥褻或性侵害;在熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施後,九個題項的被害恐懼皆下降且有顯著關係;而恢復傳統巡邏方案後,怕被恐嚇、怕被偷、怕被毆打等題項之平均數低於熱點熱時巡邏之後。在巡邏能見度方面,熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施之前,各項能見度皆不高;熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施之後,十一個題項皆有提升且呈顯著相關。尤其在廁所、司令台這兩個校園犯罪熱點的見警率提升最多;而恢復傳統巡邏方案後,見警率十一的題項的平均數皆低於熱點熱時巡邏方案後。而學生對校園安全之認知方面,在熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施之前,近半數樣本認為校園安全僅係「普通」;在熱點加熱時巡邏方案實施後,升至「安全」;而恢復傳統巡邏後,平均數低於熱點熱時巡邏之後。 本文研究結果可與「日常活動理論」、「理性選擇理論」、「破窗理論」、「情境預防犯罪理論」及「一般威嚇理論」相互印證。但本文實驗方案的效果亦有可能為「霍桑效應」所致,本文也在結論中加以討論。


This study tested the effects of two different types of campus patrol (i.e., hot spots and regular) on victimization, fear of crime, visibility of patrol, and perception of campus safety. Data used in this study were collected mainly from surveys of 837 students in a middle school in Taipei as well as official school crime statistics. A survey of campus safety was administered to students during the fall of 2010 semester at three time points: before the implementation of hot spots patrol, at the end of hot spots patrol, and at the end of regular patrol. Hot spots patrol lasted for six weeks, followed immediately by six weeks of regular patrol. Data analysis showed that hot spots patrol reduced victimization and fear of crime and increased patrol visibility and feeling of safer campus. In self-report victimization, the most common experience was theft before the beginning of hot spots patrol. Victimization of theft, threat, extortion, bully, and sexual harassment reduced significantly after hot spots patrol. Theft and sexual harassment continued to drop even after hot spots patrol. Regarding fear of crime, the most feared crimes were theft, bully and sexual harassment before launching hot spots patrol. All nine indicators of fear of crime decreased significantly at the end of hot spots patrol. Fear of threat, theft, and assault became lower at the end of regular patrol, compared to these at the end of hot spots patrol. Patrol visibility was low before hot spots patrol, but all eleven measures of the concept went up significantly, especially around two crime-prone spots on campus, restrooms and the command post. All measures of patrol visibility reduced at the end of regular patrol. About half the sample students reported fair of campus safety. The majority of them felt safer after six-week hot spots patrol and such sense of safety reduced after six weeks of regular patrol. The results of this study can be explained using theories of routine activity, rational choice, broken window, situational crime prevention, and general deterrence. The results may be also attributed to the Hawthorne effect.


