  • 學位論文


Research on the Expansion of Applied Scope of Labor Standards Act: The Case of Contracted Employees at Academia Sinica

指導教授 : 張四明


勞委會擴大指定公部門各業非依公務人員法制進用之臨時人員,自民國97年起適用勞基法,對於各機關之人事與預算管理形成衝擊且影響深廣。研究人員傾向責任制,勞動契約內容不易規範,加以公立研究機關人事制度與民間殊異甚大,故實務上該法如欲全盤適用於公部門之研究領域,仍有諸多疑慮。本研究以我國學術研究最高機關中央研究院之約聘僱助理為個案研究對象,該院經多次與勞委會協商排除適用未獲同意後,初步決定適用勞基法,然所屬單位多有承接國科會及其他機構之補助或委託計畫,計畫性質與經費來源多元不一,宜依屬性妥為區分定期或不定期契約,有關資遣費等法定支出亦宜籌編預算,以為因應。 本研究以人力資源管理者之角度,運用觀察與深入訪談方法,探討此一政策執行上的數端困境,以檢視其可行性。研究問題包括:個案機關整體適用上的困難與可克服性;是否存在工作特性、運作型態、管理制度等障礙因素;資遣費、延長工時工資、特別休假應休未休工資等,在經費編列與支應上是否有困難;在工作條件、薪津福利兩方面是否有困難及能否克服。 研究發現,勞委會與法政學者認為個案機關適用勞基法有其必要性,惟與實際執行單位之間存有相當程度的認知落差,執行人員有所表示囿於研究計畫之經費結構、作業時效與變遷性,在契約性質認定上相形複雜,而有重大困難,短期無法克服。本研究對於個案機關之建議為:(1)善盡雇主責任,並依法從寬;(2)檢視各項權益之均衡並與績效、律責的工作要求鏈結;(3)於制度性對話之外,闢求勞資實質溝通的便捷途徑。對於主政機關之建議為:(1)體察中研院適用勞基法困難之處,嚴謹審認其工作特性與人員的定位;(2)協助整合各主管機關,就法規未明之處多予行政指導;(3)兼顧勞基法規與實務問題,定期開辦研訓專班,以減免爭議以至訟累。


Council of Labor Affairs(CLA) expanded and appointed every contracted employees of government department not to enter to use its temporary personnel in accordance with government functionary's system, the Labor Standards Act that covered by working since the 97th year of the Republic of China, form striking and influence on personnel system and budget management of every organ deeply and broadly. Researchers are inclined to the responsibility system, the difficult norm of the content of the Labor contracts that work, public research organ's personnel system and enterprise are widely different, so if this law wants to all apply to the research field of the government department on the practice, there are a lot of doubts. This research regards temporary assistant of Academia Sinica as the target, Academia Sinica is through coordinating but not agreeing with CLA for several times, preliminary decision apply to Labor Standards Act, but because a lot of units carry out the subsidy or commission plan from National Science Council and other organizations, the nature of the plan and funds source are inconsistent, should distinguish fixed term contracts and non-fixed term contracts, relevant severance fee must compile the budget too, could solve the problem. This research uses in-depth interview method, probe into this policy and carry out the predicament on in terms of observation of the human resources administrator, in order to look over its feasibility. Study the problem to include: Difficulty that the case organ meets and degree that can be overcome on the whole; Whether the obstacle factors of performance characteristics, operation type attitude, management system exist; Whether the funds and expenditure about severance fee, overtime wages, wages of special holidays have difficulty; Whether have difficulty and could be overcome in two respects of the condition of work, wages welfare. Via the finding, CLA and scholar think there are its necessities in the case organ apply to Labor Standards Act, but this with carry out unit have cognitive drop, have operational staff show because of study funds structure, work times and changes nature that plan actually, comparatively complicated in Labor contracts is asserted, so there is great difficulty, it is unable to overcome in a short time. This suggestion on the case organ of research are: 1) Reach the employer's responsibility to the limit, and in accordance with the law leniently; 2) Look over every rights and duty are balanced and linking the performance and responsible job requirements; 3) Except talking in system, open up the convenient way that the essence communicates among labor and employer. The suggestion on CLA are: 1) Understand the difficult place of application of Labor Standards Act of Academia Sinica, assert personnel's performance characteristics and identity prudently; 2) Help to combine every competent authority, has not defined to the regulation that has offered guidance in the place; 3) Give consideration to the regulation and practice question, handle the study class regularly, in order to reduce the dispute even case.


張琬如(2005)。我國勞動基準法第11條解僱理由之研究。國立臺灣大學法律學研究 所碩士論文,未出版,臺北。


