  • 學位論文


A Study on Customer’s Trust, Perception and Adoption of Internet Banking

指導教授 : 余銘忠


國內銀行業者紛紛成立能提供消費者更便利服務之網路銀行,但普遍發現網路銀行仍存在釵h潛在的風險性與安全性問題,銀行業者也針對這些問題來加以改善。然而,在改善之餘,能否確實提高消費者對網路銀行的使用意願,仍令人質疑。過去的相關研究常著重於網路銀行本身技術層面的因素來作探討,而較忽略消費者的主觀信念。 本研究以科技接受模式(TAM)為基礎,納入信任構面,旨在探討消費者對網路銀行的信任、認知程度與使用意願之間的影響,以及不同人口背景之消費者對網路銀行的信任、認知程度與使用意願之差異。本研究採簡單迴歸ANOVA分析、變異數分析、相關分析與路徑分析等方法來分析,並驗證研究架構。 研究結果顯示,整體而言,消費者對於網路銀行所提供的服務皆抱持正面的想法,而消費者對網路銀行的信任、認知與使用意願之間是彼此互有影響關係的。另外,不同人口背景之消費者對網路銀行的信任、認知程度與使用意願部分存在顯著差異之情形。經由路徑分析 驗證了本研究架構應用於探討網路銀行方面,是具有相當程度之有效性的。希望經此實證研究結果,能促使銀行業者更深入瞭解消費者的心理層面,並提供銀行業者在推行網路銀行方面行銷策略上的建議。


The domestic bankers have established the internet banking that provides more convenient service for the customers. However, technical issues regarding risk and security always concern these e-banking users and are thought to be the major obstacles for the slow-moving e-bank business. This research modified Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) by including trust issue. It aims at investigating the relationship among trust, perception, and adoption customers hold for internet banking. Also studied are the differences among trust, perception and adoption on the basis of various demographic backgrounds. Simple-regression, one-factor ANOVA, correlation analysis and path analysis were utilized to examine related hypothesis. The results showed that customers have demonstrated positive attitude toward internet banking. Trust, perception, and adoption hold for these e-bank customers affect each other and differences exist according to the respondent’s demographic background.


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