  • 學位論文


Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission Systems for Motorcycles

指導教授 : 陳長仁


目前機車傳動系統多用皮帶式無段變速器(CVT),而傳統CVT的機構主要是由離心滾子、壓縮彈簧以及扭力凸輪相互之間的配合,隨著引擎轉速及負載的變化來調整減速比,在低速時傳動效率表現不佳且滾子及斜板滑動片會有磨耗造成使用壽命較短等問題;為改善此問題,本研究目的在設計一套新的電子控制式無段變速系統(ECCVT),以克服傳統CVT機構的限制,新系統主要為利用電子設備控制變速,可以去除了離心滾子、斜板滑動片這兩項磨耗品,其優點主要在提升整體的耐用度,且能避免因離心滾子磨耗所造成的變速誤差,同時藉由各種感知器取得引擎轉速、車速、節氣門開度等訊號,來計算出即時的最佳減速比,預期可依不同的引擎特性或行駛道路環境,設計出不同的減速比變化曲線可有效發揮引擎動力輸出性能,如此可減少動力傳遞時的損失,提升能源效益。 本文所研發設計之ECCVT,經測試後,証實其確實,可以改善CVT系統之低速時傳動效率表現不佳,及磨耗造成使用壽命較短等問題;當負載扭力由1.16N-m變化至5.8N-m 時,傳動效率明顯由45%提升至80%,而負載扭力超過3.48N-m時其提升趨勢漸趨緩;且由動態測試結果顯示,本ECCVT系統之整體傳動效率較傳統式CVT高約5%,雖然ECCVT在換檔速率過快時,換檔初期的傳動效率會有短暫明顯的下滑趨勢,因此,ECCVT系統將可應用於對傳動性能與效率要求較高的動力系統上。


The V-belt Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) systems are widely used in almost all kinds of scooters. The major mechanism of the traditional CVT is composed of centrifugal rollers, the compression spring and the torque cam. They are used to adjust the speed ratios for complying with the engine speed and the rear wheel load. In addition to the low transmission efficiency at the lower speed, the centrifugal rollers and movable flange have the worn-up problems which may reduce the materials life-cycle. In order to improve these problems, the aim of our study is to design a brand new Electronically-Controlled Continuously Variable Transmission (ECCVT) system to overcome the limitation of the traditional CVT mechanism. In stead of the centrifugal rollers and movable flange, the new ECCVT use the electronic control equipment to change the speed ratios. Therefore, it gets rid of the material worn-up problems. The ECCVT system can also provide the overall system with higher durability and reliability, and the accurate movement. Combined with the sensor signals of the engine speed, the vehicle speed and the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor), the suitable speed ratio can be calculated. One ECCVT system can be used for different types of engines and in different kinds of driving conditions. By controlling the shift timing and the changing speed of speed ratios, the ECCVT can fulfill the various engine configurations and loading. Therefore, the ECCVT system can be expected to have better power transmission and higher energy transferred efficiencies. At the present stage, the design and experiment test of the new ECCVT system have been accomplished, the experiment results show that the ECCVT system can provide a better transmission efficiency at the lower speeds and the worn-up problems can be avoided. When the external load is changed from 1.16 N-m to 5.8 N-m, the transmission efficiency increases from 45% to 80% obviously. But the increasing tendency is becoming smoothly when the load is above 3.48 N-m. Based on the dynamic test data, the average transmission efficiency of the ECCVT system is 5% higher than that of the traditional CVT system. But, if the speed changed of speed ratio is too fast, the transmission efficiency will drop obviously while the speed ratio starts to change and latter-on the transmission efficiency will increase with the increasing speed ratios.


ECCVT Transmission Efficiency CVT


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