  • 學位論文


A study on the tribo-electrification variations of the fitness machinery

指導教授 : 周煥銘 張育斌


廿世紀的前半世紀是E世代(電力技術發展時代),而廿世紀的後半世紀是P世代(石化工業世紀,Petroleum & Plastic ages),其係以石油副產物(如塑膠化合物)取代天然產物(如竹、麻、樹皮),並因而更擴展其工業應用性。 由於塑膠製品具有容易靜電放電(ESD)的特性,當外在環境較冷且乾燥時,隨著物體表面的相對摩擦運動,靜電帶電量就容易逐漸累積,因而在較大表面電位情況下發生火花放電,並造成有機氣體環境發生火災及爆炸的原因。 並且,即使在表面電位不甚大的情況下,亦會造成擾亂無線電波之電場干擾現象。因此,由摩擦帶電所引起的弊害除了人身安全的威脅之外,對電氣產業的發展也有重大影響。例如IC、LSI、VLSI製程等對比較小的靜電量也很敏感,且隨著微系統和奈米科技的發展,微元件的尺寸精度及品質受摩擦帶電的影響更加敏感,即使是次伏特級(0.1V)的靜電力對奈米加工過程也有影響。因而業界均製訂相關的環境靜電管理(ESC)規範,以維護精密加工的品質及工業安全。 因此,本研究特別針對跑步機中相對運動元件之摩擦帶電現象作探討,以研發出不危害人身安全及無電磁干擾問題的健康機械。本研究使用旋轉式摩擦帶電試驗機,以跑布帶及跑布板作為互相摩擦之材料,並藉由改變垂直負荷、滑動速度、摩擦循環時間等實驗參數,探討不同材質的表面摩擦電位及摩擦係數。理論上,摩擦帶電電位除了會隨著垂直負荷、滑動速度及摩擦循環時間的增加而增加,也很容易受到空氣濕度的影響。而不同跑步帶及跑步板配對後之摩擦帶電電位及摩擦係數皆具有差異,故可建議業界依據不同需求而選擇最適當之材料。


The earlier stage of the 20th century is the E period (electrical power times). However, over the past decades, it had been the P period (Petroleum & Plastic ages). The natural materials such as bamboo, linen, rind have been replaced by the polymers. Therefore, the industrial materials have more extensive applications. The static discharge (ESD) may occur on the surfaces of the polymers especially in the dry and cold conditions. When the opposing bearing surfaces slide against each other under a normal load, they generally exhibit the charge transfer between them. This phenomenon is called the frictional electrification or the tribo-electrification. When the static charging accumulated to a larger voltage, the spark discharge then occurs and may cause the fire and the explosion in the organic gas. Moreover, it also may be possible that the undesirable influences for the electrical signals are caused by the smaller surface charging. Hence, the tribo-electrification voltage not only influences the personal safety but also the developments of the electrical industry. For example, the quality of machined products in the manufacturing process of the IC, LSI and VLSI is significantly by tribo-electrification. Even its value may be only in the range of 0.1V. Therefore, the managing standard of the static electricity have been concluded by the manufacturers over the past decades. Based on the above reasons, the study on the sliding parts of the fitness machinery has been investigated in this study. The experiments were conducted on a rotating friction tester with a measuring system. The experimental parameters include the materials of the running belt and plate, normal load, sliding speed and frictional time. As a result, the tribo-electrification voltage and the friction coefficient of the different materials can be measured. The experimental results showed that the tribo-electrification voltage and friction coefficient increase with increasing the normal load, sliding speed and frictional time. Moreover, the effect of the humidity was also similar. The results of this study have not only an original opinion, but also it is very helpful in suggesting the desirable material to the manufacturers.


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黃子葳(2010)。動態評價不同熱處理方式影響 冷模工具鋼磨潤性質之研究〔碩士論文,崑山科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6828/KSU.2010.00044
