  • 學位論文


Research in e-Tutor:Development, Modeling and Applications

指導教授 : 陳熙玫


隨著科技的進步,教學環境也隨之改變,學生求知的來源不再只受限於傳統課堂的教學。近年來各大專院校紛紛導入數位學習,教師授課方式除了由傳統實體面對面授課的特定上課時間、上課地點的形式,還可選擇透過網路傳輸,不定時不定點的進行授課。然而教師及學生在進行網路學習時,多一種選擇並不表示教師及學生的上課負擔減輕,學生須從原先於台下聆聽記錄筆記的被動學習方式,轉換成更需要有自律精神的主動學習,教師除原有的授課壓力外,更須進行自製教材、設計課程等前置作業,使得數位學習的推動,一直無法立竿見影。為有效提昇教學品質,須有其他配套措施與數位學習配合,幫助教師及學生減輕負擔。 曾有研究提出網路學習環境中之線上助教(e-tutor)專業職能,學員希望能有 e-tutor從旁進行協助指導並影響學員的學習成效,但未進行實證研究。本研究分兩階段進行:由文獻定義之e-tutor應有之職能,配合網路教學平台弁遄A擬定e-tutor可提供之協助,並進而針對教師及學生進行需求調查分析,第二階段則依需求分析之結果規劃e-tutor之之功能,並以某課程加入e-tutor進行實驗,由e-tutor進行實際之協助與輔導,研究結果顯示,透過e-tutor之協助確實可提升學生學習成效。


學習成效 e-Tutor 數位學習


With the advance of technology, the teaching method has changed. Sitting in the traditional classroom is not the only source that students can access the knowledge. Recently, a lot of universities plunge into what we call digital learning. The new method can be very flexible and it does not have to be in certain places. It can happen anytime and anywhere by means of network. However, it doesn’t mean that it can reduce the burden of teachers and students even with this additional digital learning. In particular, students must change their learning attitudes from the passive to active. Furthermore, it’s hard to get the instant result while promoting the digital learning. It’s because, under the original pressure, teachers have to make their own teaching material and prepare the course themselves. For the best quality of digital learning, it must be operated in coordination with other helping measures.   Some researches once proposed that the role of e-tutor in the network learning. Learner wishes to have the assistance and instruction from e-tutor to achieve a better learning performance. Nevertheless, it is not conducted with the empirical study yet. This study will be divided into 2 parts- the first part is to define the role of e-tutor from the current literature and match the function of learning management system. The second one is to add the e-tutor to our experiment in a certain course and the outcome indicates, with the practical assistance and instruction of e-tutor, that it can certainly promote student’s learning performance.


e-learning learning performance e-Tutor


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