  • 學位論文


The theoretical analysis of carbon nanotubes and the closed-form solution for surface Young's moduli of chiral ones

指導教授 : 張文進


基於諸多無可取代之卓越特性,奈米碳管終將於未來之先進原材料領域扮演關鍵性之角色,惟,現今奈米碳管之研發確也面臨極大瓶頸,特別係於理論範疇,因此前具代表性論文中之公式過於繁複、而正確性又仁智互見;是本論文推導更為簡明且精確之螺旋奈米碳管表面楊氏係數計算式;以表面楊氏係數為開端,係因其為材料抵抗外力所造成變形之能力指標、乃最重要之特性!往後,個人仍將持續演繹奈米碳管其他性質之精確表示式;於此須強調:本論文可能係台灣首度嘗試自行推導螺旋奈米碳管表面楊氏係數之著作;個人不揣淺陋,作此努力,係冀望能激勵國內奈米碳管理論研究者之士氣,並讓渠等明暸:不只國外先進國家有辦法推導奈米碳管之各種計算式、台灣同樣有此能力;某方面甚且還超過歐美日等奈米碳管研究之先驅;畢竟,欲於奈米碳管製備領域求得重大突破、理論發展實為關鍵;一般言之,材料之實際製造加工皆以達成理論計算數據為依歸,若無理論引導,實驗將無所因循、而淪入嘗試錯誤之深淵,耗時費力且往往一無所成!而本論文推導之公式,可與先前研究結果相銜接,即利用[45]扶手椅型奈米碳管表面楊氏係數之精確表示式,乘上cos(30 - θ),就可輕易求得螺旋奈米碳管之表面楊氏係數;因本論文所楬櫫之理論架構較為直觀、且簡明易懂,凡此均應能有效提升奈米碳管理論研究之水準,進而改善現有製造加工之技術,使奈米碳管之研發更為迅速,俾其能早日深入各應用領域,以增進人類福祉。 又,第四章已證明本論文推導公式之理論基礎十分穩固,第五章之圖形亦顯示依本論文公式所計算出之數值與現有研究結果相符,且在理論上,較諸現有研究結果更具正確性;即: 現有研究結果,有些在θ = 30 時到不了0.36 TPa nm(石墨之實驗值);有些又太快趨近0.36 TPa nm、致大部螺旋奈米碳管表面楊氏係數之計算工作變得毫無意義!只有按本論文推導公式求出之數值,能於θ = 30 時趨近0.36 TPa nm,且在不同chiral angle下、能清楚區分表面楊氏係數之差異;是本論文所推導之公式,未來或將如Chang等人論文[45]般,成為奈米碳管理論研究領域一全新之里程碑。


As we know,the current computational models for counting the Young’s moduli of chiral carbon nanotubes are all too complicated for ordinary human beings to master, and this would severely impede the diffusion of the above-mentioned material which will obviously play a dominant role in the nanotechnology era coming soon. In this article, thus, we proffer a really simple method incorporating the closed-form expression of armchair tube with cos(30 - θ) to predict the surface Young’s moduli for chiral SWCNTs. Though very lucid, the present approach seems theoretically to be more reasonable than other existing results since, as can be observed later, the values of surface Young’s moduli in them would rapidly come up to 0.36 TPa nm, and this phenomenon simply imply most effort to calculate the Young’s moduli would become consummately meaningless as the magnitude of surface Young’s moduli might be readily approximated by 0.36, and, only in the present study, the disparity of surface Young’s moduli among single-walled nanotubes with dissimilar diameters as well as chiral angles may be distinguished distinctly.


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