  • 學位論文


Taxonomic Study of the Genus Spirogyra of Fresh Water in Southern Taiwan

指導教授 : 張穗蘋


台灣淡水地區在未受汙染或相對較低污染、水質偏硬、流速適當或較緩甚至靜水的淺水水域,一年四季皆可見著生性的大形絲狀綠藻,但在國內綠藻之分類資料上,有關於水綿的形態與分類研究相當缺乏。本研究進行水綿藻分種之觀察,藉由文獻回顧,整理水綿藻屬的分類特徵,包括營養細胞長寬度、細胞橫壁端、葉綠體、接合方式、接合管構成、雌配子囊(接合孢子囊)形狀寬度、接合孢子形狀寬長、中孢壁及其他特徵,共整理出中外228種水綿藻屬種類,並附上種名索引及對照圖鑑於附錄中,提供相關研究者參考。研究過程中於台灣南部的淡水溪流、南橫公路淺塘、南化溝渠、燕巢果園、鳳山植物園等棲地採集水綿共72樣本,以顯微鏡觀察分析比對,依採集樣本鏡檢照片,選定水綿藻屬種分類特徵為營養細胞長寬度、細胞橫壁端、葉綠體形態。研究初步鑑定出10種台灣地區之新紀錄種,依序為斯普里水綿Spirogyra spreeiana Rabenhorst、冷性水綿Spirogyra frigida Gay、纖細水綿Spirogyra gracilis (Hassall) Kützing 、細小水綿 Spirogyra parvula (Transeau) Czurda、近柱孢水綿Spirogyra subcylindrospora Jao、重慶水綿Spirogyra chungkingensis Jao、二形水綿Spirogyra biformis Jao、河生水綿Spirogyra fluviatilis (Hilse) Skuia、Spirogyra novae-angliae Transeau、大形水綿Spirogyra majuscula KÜtzing,附上顯微照片,記載其植物體形態及分布情形。本研究結果可做為國內淡水藻水綿藻屬分類、形態與生理學之參考。


水綿藻 淡水藻 種類


Filamentous algae can be found all year around in unpolluted freshwater or relatively low pollution in Taiwan that has slightly hardwater, with adequate flow even hydrostatic shallow waters.On domestic, the taxonomically of freshwater Spirogyra is lack. Through the literature review, organize characteristics of Spirogyra species, this research is to observe the characteristics of Spirogyra sp., including vegetative cells long and diameter, end walls of cells, chloroplast, conjugation, conjugation tubes formed, the shape of zygospores and spores, median wall of zygospore, and other features, sorting out the total of 228 kinds of Spirogyra genus from mainland and foreign area..In this study, freshwater streams, shallow water in southern Taiwan, Nanheng Rd. pools, Nanhua swamps, Yanchao fruit orchards and Kaohsiung original botanical-garden were chosen to collect , total of 72 Spirogyra samples under the microscope analysis. According to the microscopic photographs of the samples, selected Spirogyra species classification characteristics for vegetative cells long and diameter, end walls of cells, chloroplast. Initially identified 10 known species of Spirogyra in Taiwan, in sequence for Spirogyra spreeiana Rabenhorst、Spirogyra frigida Gay、 Spirogyra gracilis (Hassall) Kützing、Spirogyra parvula (Transeau) Czurda、Spirogyra subcylindrospora Jao、Spirogyra chungkingensis Jao、Spirogyra biformis Jao、Spirogyra fluviatilis (Hilse) Skuia 、Spirogyra novae-angliae Transeau 、Spirogyra majuscula KÜtzing, accompanied by microphotos, recorded its morphology and distribution. The findings will serve as a basis for taxonomically, morphologically, and physiologically-related researches on domestic freshwater Spirogyra.


Spirogyra freshwater algae species


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