  • 學位論文


An Empirical Study of Interrelationships among Partnership, Task mode, Knowledge Sharing Depth, and Innovation Ability

指導教授 : 高淑珍


面對競爭環境快速的轉變,創新能力目前已被企業視為一項不易被取代的競爭力來源,然而企業若能以協同合作的方式,與擁有共同目標的夥伴進行知識分享並相互支援,將能藉此帶動彼此的創新和成長。因此,本研究希望針對協同合作的環境,探討哪些因素會影響成員知識分享的層次,並進而瞭解是否會對於企業的創新能力產生影響。研究中以經濟部產業資訊網站及台灣工商企業名錄網站,蒐集廠商名單之後,就組織間或組織內部不同工作單位之間的協同合作經驗,進行問卷之調查研究,將蒐集的資料利用SPSS進行因素分析與迴歸分析,得到下列結果:(1) 夥伴緊密程度的互補性、相容性、信任與承諾愈高則知識分享層次均愈高;(2) 夥伴緊密程度的互補性、相容性、信任與承諾愈高則創新能力均愈高;(3) 任務特性的互賴性、不確定性與困難度愈高則知識分享層次均愈高;(4) 任務特性的互賴性、不確定性與困難度愈高則創新能力均愈高;(5) 知識分享層次在夥伴緊密程度與創新能力的關係中具中介效果;(6) 知識分享層次在任務特性與創新能力的關係中具中介效果。藉由本研究結果期望可以作為企業提昇創新能力之參考。


With the rapid change of competition environment, the innovation ability has been viewed as one of the competitive powers not easily substituted for others. Recently, to cooperate with the partners by sharing resources and knowledge in the collaborative way has become the main trend for improving the innovation ability of involved enterprises. The goal of this study is to explore the factors that may affect directly knowledge sharing depth and affect indirectly the innovation ability moderated by knowledge sharing depth in the collaborative environment. To investigate the interrelationships existing among partnership, task mode, knowledge sharing depth, and innovation ability, the questionnaire data was collected from 109 enterprises. After analyzing with factor analysis and regression analysis, the findings are (1) the partner relationship has positive affect on sharing knowledge depth and on the innovation ability; (2) the task mode has positive affect on sharing knowledge depth and on the innovation ability; (3) knowledge sharing depth positively affect on the innovation ability; (4) knowledge sharing depth actually moderate the relationship of partner relationship and innovation ability; and (5) knowledge sharing depth actually moderate the relationship of task mode and innovation ability. Discussion and implication are also addressed.


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