  • 學位論文


Investigating the Correlation between a Bank Credit-Grantor's Social Capital and Work Performance

指導教授 : 楊泰和


在白熱化的金融競爭局面下,銀行的經營條件與獲利空間皆不如以往優渥,如何有效提升銀行的經營績效即成為一個重要課題。本文以銀行業授信人員為研究對象,以深度訪談法及檔案文件來蒐集相關的文本資料,從而分析與詮釋授信人員其社會資本與工作績效之相關性。 研究發現與討論後給定以下幾點主軸概念與命題:一、關係是信任的加速器;二、關係可作為資訊分享的平台;三、關係的建構有其多元內涵;四、水能載舟、亦能覆舟。 最後,本研究對銀行授信人員與其管理人提出幾點建議:一、應強化授信人員之社會資本管理;二、鞏固授信人員與授信對象間的關係;三、授信人員應透過社會資本達到風險管控與績效提升之雙重目標;四、聘請授信人員應誠信為主、社會之本為輔。銀行授信人員應念茲在茲善用其正的社會資本,促使相關人員在授信的作為上能向著銀行所期望的方向發展,以達到趨吉避凶-既能提昇工作績效、亦能管控風險之雙重目標。


Since the competition in financial industry is in full swing, neither the operation condition nor the profitability of banks is not as well as before. Therefore, how to improve a bank’s performance on business operation becomes a important lesson. This article took bank as the subject of research. Besides, in-depth interview and content analysis are adopted to collect related data for analyzing the relationship between a bank credit-grantor’s social capital and work performance. Discussed by the research to conclude that main topics: First, personal relationship is the accelerator of trust. Second, information sharing may rely on personal relationship. Third, personal relationship contents diversification intension. Final, the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up. In the end, this research addressed the advice for bank credit grantors and their management: Second, consolidate the relationship between a bank credit-grantor and credit receiver. Third, a bank credit-grantor may achieve both diminish risk and improve performance via social capital management. Final, Credit should employ good faith based, social capital of the secondary. A bank credit grantor should properly use his positive social capital and encourage related staff to develop on the way a bank expects. And, therefore, both the targets of improving work performance and risk management could be accomplished.


余鑑、于俊傑、郭素玉、廖珮妏(2010),內部行銷、社會資本與員工工作滿意度之研究-以導入嵌入式人力資源組織之個案銀行為例,International of Journal of LISREL,第一期,第三卷,pp. 68-90。
