  • 學位論文


The Development Research of Taiwan Cultural andCreative Industries With Tainan Cultural and CreativeIndustry Park

指導教授 : 王雅倫


台灣於1982 年施行「文化資產保存法」,1995 年提出「文化產業化、產業文化化」, 由此可知台灣的「文化產業」概念早已萌芽。直到1997年,英國開始透過創意的包裝與行銷去發展文化產業成功後,台灣才在2002年明確提出「文化創意產業」政策;並分別在各地設立五大文創園區,希冀扮演地方的文創火車頭的角色,讓相關產業工作者在其中激盪創意、交流資源,帶動整體文化創意產業發展。因此,台南文創園區經營團隊的取決方式,及如何將地方傳統產業經濟轉向文化經濟發展契機,是本研究欲深入了解的方向。 本研究採用文獻法,訪談法與觀察法作為研究工具,經由資料的收集、觀察與分析發現,五大文化創意園區經過這麼多年的運轉,進度緩慢;其中華山園區活動最頻繁,台南園區尚未正式開放,其它園區則是不定期活動。而台南文創園區面積居五大園區之末,也最慢啟動;但因基地小,易於規劃推動,加上地緣關係之便,讓園區充滿發展性的契機。然而,國內文創園區過去大都以外包合作方式將園區釋出給民間企業營運,容易產生經驗傳承的斷層現象,無法真正為國內培育出的人才,實為文創產業發展的隱憂之一。本研究相關結論,俾希提供公部門推展文創產業未來政策規劃與執行之政策建議。


Although the "Cultural Heritage Preservation Law" was passed in 1982, followed by the promotion of "industrializing culture" in 1995, the concept of treating culture as an industrial field was agreed without much action. Not until the British succeeded in the development of cultural industries through creative packaging and marketing in 1997, the policy of cultural and creative industries was proposed in 2002 and five cultural and creative industrial parks were set up throughout the island in hope of providing local artists a place where brainstorming and exchanging of information will take place. The direction of this study is to judge the criterion of choosing the management team for the Tainan Cultural and Creative Park (being 1 of 5) and to probe the ways to transform the traditional local economy into the cultural one. Literature collection, interview, and observation were applied as research tools. It was found that after many years of operation the industry progressed slowly. Of the five major cultural and creative industrial parks, Huashan Park is the only active one. The other three, other than Tainan park, held activities irregularly. Tainan park, being the smallest, has not been opened officially. Nowadays the management for most of the parks were outsourced to private companies for which accumulating knowledge is a problem for hard to keep experienced staffs. The phenomenon has become a worry for the industry. In the conclusion, recommendations are provided for the public sector in developing cultural and creative industries.


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