  • 學位論文


Why Employee Quits his Job-Behavior Development from Turnover Motivation to Action

指導教授 : 鄧盈嘉


自從網路發達之後,透過傳播媒體得知,許多的員工離職所產生之負面結果頻傳,不但會影響企業形象,更會使企業人事成本增加。本研究目的是想瞭解員工離職的前萌生的動機為何?而萌生動機之後又因何原因到下決策並提出離職?過去研究很少有從離職動機、傾向、行為到歷程完整的探討,過往的研究多主要在離職傾向面著墨,很少將離職行為與動機以及決策歷程來深入研究。 本研究採用質性研究法,是一份理論建構取向的探索性研究,為了顧及所形成之理論實用性,故除文獻之外,採行多重個案理論進行研究,並以歸納的方式,使之具有研究價值。本研究之個案研究樣本為高科技電腦週邊產業,依據報導高科技產業的員工離職率一直都是大家爭相討論的,很多的離職員工萌生離職意願長達數月之久,並深思熟慮後才決定提出離職,這些都是高科技產業當中特有的現象。 歸納匯整後的離職動機因素以及強化與決策歷程之行為因素,可以明白的看出,最終的離職決策之共同因素,包括薪資福利、距離問題、發揮專長、充分授權等四大因素,這四者彼此之間密切相關,相輔相成,並依據歸納整理後,建構出五項命題。 由於研究結果顯示,在高科技電子產業之電腦週邊相關零件企業,是屬於人人羨慕的一種產業類別,但實際上訪談與探究之後,卻是所有產業當中離職率最高的產業之一,有別於傳統的製造業以及其他金融服務業等,藉由本研究的結果可以看出當萌生離職動機,在能解決的環節之下,盡量找出勞資雙方可以接受的方式,將會有另雙方都可以滿意的結果,更不會造成後續不必要的困擾或是成本增加。


Internet is booming in the recent decades. Through Internet, the information and news are very easy to spread out. The negative reports of employees’ turnover happen in Internet often. These results are interfered the firm’s reputation. The purpose of this paper is to understand what the motivation of employee’s turnover comes from, what reason cause employee to make the decision to quit the job after motivating turnover. In the past, there were a few researches to study 『Why Employee Quits his Job-Behavior Development from Turnover Motivation to Action』. Most of researches reported the intention of turnover. But, it was hard to find out that employee’s behavior and mentality from motivating to quit the job (turnover decision). This paper adopted some literatures of theoretical structure and search for multiple case studies. The result analyzes the case studies and generalizes the context of all interviewing reports. The turnover data was to interview employees of one electrical company, who are staying in current company, and talking about why he or she left the former company---- Behavior Development from Turnover Motivation to Action. The report of this paper shows that the lower salary, the worse welfare, the longer distance between home and office, what one is doing has nothing to do with one's training, and no authorization in job function are the main reasons for employee to make the decision to leave his job. In Taiwan, the high technology companies hire the employees from highly educated graduated students and experienced persons to make sure that they can develop the fast and smart products in the market. To avoid the employees’ turnover become an important issue for firm to think about. This paper describes some turnover motivation and turnover intention for firm to understand the employees’ behavior and mentality. Firm might be tried to apply it and keep employees without turnover motivation.


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