  • 學位論文


A Study on the characteristics of Ag/MgZnO Schottky diode

指導教授 : 黃文昌


本文探討銀對氧化鎂鋅薄膜的蕭特基特性。氧化鎂鋅薄膜乃是藉由溶膠凝膠法,以塗佈的方式製作於矽基板上;蕭特基電極則藉由真空蒸鍍法將金屬銀沈積於氧化鎂鋅薄膜。氧化鎂鋅薄膜之特性分別以X 光繞射分析(XRD)、能量散射光譜儀(EDS)及光穿透光譜來分析薄膜之特性。此薄膜具有強的氧化鋅(002)面之結晶,並藉由EDS 分析中觀察到薄膜具有鎂之元素成分,且此薄膜在800 °C 熱退火後之能隙寬度為3.43 eV。蕭特基二極體藉由電流電壓量測,可得蕭特基能障高度為0.78 eV,理想因子1.21,另外我們也以諾德方程式及Cheung’s 方程式分別探討能障高度及串聯電阻效應。藉由變溫之電流電壓測量,發現能障高度會隨著溫度增加而增加。最後再藉由高斯分佈模型來探討變溫量測下之蕭特基能障的不均勻性。


The Schottky characteristics of Ag/MgZnO were discussed in the paper. The MgZnO thin films were prepared by sol-gel method, and were deposited upon silicon substrate through spin coating. The Schottky electrodes were deposited on the MgZnO film by vacuum thermal evaporation. The quality of the MgZnO film was evaluated by x-ray diffraction (XRD), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) and optical transmittance. The film showed a strong crystallinity of ZnO (002) with energy band gap of 3.43 eV after 800 °C thermal annealing. The element Mg was also detected in the film through EDS. The Ag/MgZnO diode showed barrier height of 0.78 eVwith an ideal factor of 1.21. In addition,the series resistances of the diodes were calculated by Norde's model and Cheung's equation. Temperature dependent current-voltage measurement was also used to discuss the diode charatericyics. The Schottky barrier height increased as the measured temperature increased. The Gaussian distribution model was also incorporated to discuss the inhomogeneous of the Schottky barrier of the diode.


MgZnO Schottky diode Barrier height


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