  • 學位論文


Explore the Experience of Promoting the"Teachers' Professional Development Evaluation" and"Teachers' Professional Learning Community"by View of Learning Organization

指導教授 : 楊泰和


摘要 本文以臺南市公立國民小學為研究場域,研究者以局內人的角度,深入地分析教育部推動「教師專業發展評鑑」及「教師專業學習社群」以提升教師專業素養之背景與訴求。研究方法以深度訪談為主、參與觀察為輔,來蒐集質性的文本資料;意圖以「學習型組織」之相關理論為基礎,探究在教育部積極推動「教師專業發展評鑑」及「教師專業學習社群」時,臺南市公立國民小學針對此二項議題的實務運作情形及其對教師專業素養提升之實際影響,希冀能詮釋參與教師的真實感受與樣貌,並提出具體的結論與建議。研究結果有五項發現及主題命名: (一)走出象牙塔、喜見百果林;(二)寒天飲冰水、冷暖各自知;(三)一步一腳印、勤耕福田種;(四)孤鵬難展翅、群雁渡重洋及(五)拍手給糖果、水到渠自成。 最後,本研究針對研究結果提出以下四點管理上的建議:(一)詳細規劃、確立願景,以利長期施行;(二)事前溝通、身體力行,以期上行下效;(三)事後互動、增進了解,以促團隊運作及(四)型塑專業、鼓勵學習,以達組織成長。 關鍵字:學習型組織、深度訪談、參與觀察、教師專業發展評鑑、教師專業學習社群。


Abstract This study has the educators at public elementary schools in Tainan City as subjects. The researcher analyzed in depth “Teachers’ Professional Development Evaluation” and “Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities” promoted by the Ministry of Education in order to enhance teachers’ professionalism. In addition to the in-depth interviews, the main research method employed in the investigation, participant observation was used to collect qualitative data. Based on thories related to learning organization, the researcher intended to explore the actual operation conditions of the above mentioned two issues and their influences on promoting teachers’ professionalism in elementary schools, aiming at interpreting and presenting the true feelings of the participants and bringing up concrete conclusions and useful recommendations. Five conclusions can be drawn from the research: 1. Once teachers walk out from the ivory tower of daily teaching, they will be able to experience the happiness of different activities. 2. One’s own feeling toward specific experiences can hardly be understood by others. 3. Things should be done step by step. 4. Cooperation is the best way to success. 5. Encouragement and reward are the best incentives. The researcher would also like to make some recommendations on management: 1. To plan thoroughly and to set appropriate prospects before bringing a program into practice. 2. To communicate and to set an example by personally taking part in a program. 3. To enhance interaction, understanding, and teamwork in all groups. 4. To encourage learning and to build professionalism for the growth of an organization. Key-words:Learning Organization, In-Depth Interview, Participant Observation, Teachers' Professional Development Evaluation, Teachers' Professional Learning Community.


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